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5.5 gallon ?'s


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im going to start a 5.5 gallon nano-reef, and i have got a few questions. first, i want to explain what i would like to keep. im going to keep a blue damsel, some hermit crabs, polyps, Zooanthids, mushrooms, and some Xenia(maybe). i was leaning towards buying the 2 x 13 watt Deluxe Bright Kit from ahsupply.com, how many of these could i fit on top? i dont wanna hang anything, and i dont want a messy look either. im looking for a very small powerhead, one with about 5-75 gph, for circulation. i would also like to modify a small hob to use as a refugium. which hob should i use? no protein skimmer, im planning on doing weekly water changes. im thinking about trying a auto top-off system, but i dont know if it would be smart to do for this small of a tank. any help? thanks.



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