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my 45 gal oceanic starphire custom build


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well i got this tank for xmas from my aunt and uncle and umm ill just show u pics cuz thats all u relay wana see lol









the sump has to be completly redone to my likeing so once that gets done ill get the tank filled and started...

as for equiment its all ordered and will be coming over the week

skimmer:coralife super skimmer 125

flow:2x tunze nano stream 6025 (already have 1)

lights:coralife aqualight pro 150w mh (already have)

return pump(mag 5)

ro-di: filter guys 4 stage 75gpd


umm thats all i can think of tell me what you guys think

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hey (me again) lol

nice choice on all of your equipment and certainly nice tank

do you know what you are going to stock it with?

AWSOME AWSOME i have always wanted one of those square starphires. How much do they go for>

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Fishfreak218-thanks (again) and im thinkin 2x black clowns 1x fairy wrase and im not sure maby 1 or 2 other small fish


nostermare-id prefer not to post it but u can feel free to pm me if you want to know


Rift-Reef-thanks me neither


andre-the 150w came with it so ill just keep zoos and rics on the bottom the tank was gana be a mixed reef anyway

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What do you plan on keeping? I would go with a 250W MH instead of a 150W. The 150W might not be strong enough to penetrate the bottom of the tank.


im not a pro on these deeper tanks, but if you do go that route, and want to sell that 150mh........ ;) im your man, lookin to add a 150w mh to an 80w pc for my 29 long


otherwise it looks very nice, im glad ot hear youre using the mag5, i was wondering how much power those are but if its good enough for a 45g's return, than i guess 29g is fine


good luck with it:)

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Tentacles-lol i dont think ill be selling it but your first on the list if i do and the mag 5 will be about 3 times turnover and u want around 3-5 turnover for a sump


masmedic-thanks i got it at my lfs petswherehouse but im sure you lfs could order it from oceanic

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  • 2 weeks later...

wow thought this thread died lol emm tanks good should be doing the pulmbing this week and ill prob have it filled by the weekend

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  • 3 weeks later...

completly forgot about this thread so im bringing it back from the dead

filling the tank


and now about 2 weeks later where almost done cycleing heres some pics with the lights on





and an antincs shot


now ill keep this thread updated so wat do you guys think

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