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Looky what the mad scientist is growing now !

The Propagator

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Thast called "someone cried about it so it got erased."


( more than likely )


WTF??? I wanted to respond to the squirrel thing. :lol:



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thats whats wrong with america a couple of piece ###### and whine and it screws over people who might be interested in seeing or reading something!!! america sucks now!!

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hey prop if you ever want to set up a web site let me know. i can build one for you. check out www.8bitsolutions.com for some sample work.


any man you have to let me now how you managed to talk your wife in to letting you set that up.

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The Propagator

You know I will John. If all my customers and trading partners were like you it would be a rich and happy man !! :haha:



Helfrich’s Chick: Gotcha'


offsprg01: Email me j.clements@fuse.net I have a design already layed out but lack the skills for the detail. ( IE hyperlinks in drop down boxes, shopping cart and shipping page, chit like that.)

How did I get my wife to let me set up what?



halfpint: I use three types actualy.

1: Rock rubble.

2: Marble tiles.

3: Ceramic disk with stem type plugs.


Thanks guys and gals !! I apreciate the kind words !!

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Propagator, how much would you estimate the retail value of all your Rics to be. If you were to sell them all at retail. What would you estimate?

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The Propagator

Right now ? About $200 bucks or so.

I have SQUAT for ricordia at the moment.

My Ricodia guy seems to be ignoring me at the moment even though I have sent him thousands, and thousands of dollars via customers I couldnt do the volume for my self.

REALY miffing me off too !

I basicly built his little shop up to what it is today with recomendations to go to him.

Then he forgets all about me.


Ah well.....live and learn in this cut throat biz huh...

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I have SQUAT for ricordia at the moment.

My Ricodia guy seems to be ignoring me at the moment even though I have sent him thousands, and thousands of dollars via customers I couldnt do the volume for my self.

REALY miffing me off too !

I basicly built his little shop up to what it is today with recomendations to go to him.

Then he forgets all about me.

Your ricordea guy wanted me to say HELLO!!!

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Just when I was thinking of going with FOWLR tank, you post this thread :rant:


Ok I guess I can really work on my 40g reef and my 60g FOWRL tank. :happydance:

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The Propagator
Your ricordea guy wanted me to say HELLO!!!




Hey thats great!

BTW your mom left her shoes under my bed last night again.

Oh and the lab called me too. Just because a DNA injection I gave your mom proves I am your father, it dose not mean you can call me dad ok ?



You realy dont want to go down this road.

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Hey thats great!

BTW your mom left her shoes under my bed last night again.

Oh and the lab called me too. Just because a DNA injection I gave your mom proves I am your father, it dose not mean you can call me dad ok ?



You realy dont want to go down this road.

Thatt is verie funie!


Maik shure ewe remynd her two brang thoas shues hoam when shees their next tyme.

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Obsessed Reefer

I hate you. I really hate you. Why do you have such a nice tank?














When you do start up a site, check out siteground.com's eCommerce package . I use their basic package for my personal site which I'm working on, and it's pretty cheap. Has good stuff.



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The Propagator

Thanks Jesse I will definately look into that.



Mark I sent you an email on this subject already you boob !!!




pwned: You are either REALY, REALY stupid or your misspelling things on purpose to masquerade who you realy are?

Personaly I am leaning towards the 1st with a hint of mongoloid. ;)

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