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Adding DI to RO system


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I have regular RO system designed for home use. If I want to add DI, can I just attach the DI cartridge on or will there be pressure, output etc. etc. concerns?

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You can just add the DI on the end and you shouldn't have any problems at all. May I ask why you would want to add the DI cartridge in the first place though, is this because you heard it was a good idea? IMO you are just wasting money on something that isn't needed.


DI cartridges here are rather expensive and I would hate to be replacing them every few months for little to no gain. If you still want DI then consider getting rid of the RO unit and just use DI on it's own.




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I can see that Jason has no clue about RO/DI systems. Actually DI does a great deal. it removes phosphates, and other bad things, such as silicates, copper and nitrates that would be put in yur tank. So i would say add one. its worth it. there should be no problem with adding it.

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Very constructive post Djm9288 ;) a RO unit does remove Phosphates from the water so you must "have no clue" maybe you can inform me on what the other "bad tings" RO doesn't remove. If you want something to justify him getting a DI unit then try looking at Nitrates/Silicate.


FooGoo unless you have extremely dirty water (Nitrates/silicates) and you really believe that the ~10-15% not removed by RO is important to you then buy the DI cartridge and you will get close to 100% pure water but understand that you are almost there to begin with and do you really need the extra expense?





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Using a DI alone would be more expensive. Using a the RO prior to the DI resins you will get cleaner water and extend the DI's lifespan. The need for the DI after the RO depends totally on your source water, and the water pressure that your RO unit is operating under. If your operating it with a lower pressure 40-50 psi the DI will be beneficial and help polish off the water. IMO the added DI is worth the extra initial 40 bucks for the add on unit. and then another 10 bucks every 8 months or so (again depends on source water quality, Personally my DI cartridge has lasted over a year. product water after RO reads at 15ppm on a TDS. product water after the DI reads at 0-2 TDS. IN the long run the DI will be beneficial in helping control water quality in your tank. THe cleaner the water you start with the easier it is to maintian a healthy tank.


oh one other negative.. you cant drink DI water.

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add a FIFTH STAGE DI Cartridge. You will want it to be the LAST thing your water runs through AFTER your wasteline connections. DO NOT ATTACH IT BEFORE THE RO MEMBRAINE or else you will ruin your pipes in the house as the waste DI water will eat away your metal pipes.

The RO membraine does take up a bit of patruculates, but the DI makes the water pure. FWIW, the 5th stages are not a 100 % pure DI resin bead. they are usualy 60 % DI and 40 % high grade carbon mix.


don't force me to... use force; and give ya another schooling on RODI..... :rolleyes:


Check a post by me in ADVANCED forum on "a tid bit of truth about RODI"

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