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Cultivated Reef

Weird Stuff...id Please


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just want to know if anybody can give me an id for these weird stuff that is growing near my xenia..

the circular white things..like flower petals.. yellowish, pinkish, roundish, weirdish, AAHHH CR*P, i dunno...just look at the pics



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i think you guys are thinking of ctenophores.



those thingys look like macroalgae. specifically a type of red macro. someone here had a beautiful pic of it growing in their tank. very whipser-like and 'willowy' but more obviously red than yours (sorry).


i don't think that this link is it (porphyra?) but you can see the thinness and transparency or translucency that it can form. http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/protista/rhodophyta.html

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Looks like the aliens from "The Abyss." I wouldn't start worrying until your water column forms a head and starts snaking through your house.

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Martensia pavonia


Padina gymnospora


Padina sancctae-crucis


Lobophora variegata




PS: We have a forum for this Stryfe..... :rolleyes:

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unfortunately, i do feel that this is an advanced topic, rather than an ordinary question.... well more like an advanced question that could be a topic..

thats why i decided to post it here...

dave, what you mentioned above help alot..

i always thought that it was a Padina gymnospora

but ones on your list are algae's...


these ones are alive..they close, and open, and can also move...

thanks guys..

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I'm with satch, I thought they looked just like the creatures in Abyss.


They look real cool and, if your xenia doesn't mind em, I say leave em be.

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can you get a better pic? its kinda blurry.


what is the root structure like? there a "hold fast"?


maybe it is plastic baggie or some glad wrap someone carelessly tossed overboard and it mysteriously mutated when it came in contact with a strange glowing ooze......


T.M.N.C. Scerlatins in a half shell... Coral powarrr !

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it does have a crazy glow, hard to take a picture..when the halides are on...the lights just reflects from them and back to your eyes..as if they dont want to be seen by the world...

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raise your halides up about 3 feet then take pic. you won't get the glare.



I swear... if you are "pranking" us....... Bang zoom Alice !

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dammit dave...

what the hell are you talking about.. ;)


might just be a prank, might just be a mutated mushroom or something...


man, i dont know what they are, i had spent 8 hours on the internet last night trying to figure out these stuff, all i can find that kind of look's like it is an algae.

didnt want it to crap out my tank so i had to take them out and throw them in the fuge... few of them died tho.. :(

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It looks cool as hell. Is that how it looks in real life? Is it a hoax? I want one. Send one to me and I'll try to find out what it is. Just spent 6 hours online trying to. I want one. Do they make that kick-ass water spout camera thing?

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