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200watt light for 20 gallon?


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is 200 watts enough lighting to keep sps shrooms polyps and softs?

I basicly want to keep a brood range of corals excluding hard and probley not lps


I really dont know alot about lights and don't want to be taken advantage of at my LFS like they did when I bought my lights for my 7 gallon

so chould someone please give me a hand and let me know what I should get for lighting



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what kind of lighting? if its power compact that will be good.i only have 65watts for a 20 long and was told that was plenty for what you have mentioned on keeping.is your tank a long or tall?

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my tank is a 20 gallon tall

I think I am going to go with 175W 10,000k

I just got a job at my LFS and so I can buy this at cost



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Nano-reef.com? never heard of it

i'll check out reefcentral-thanks for the advice I should have it set up in a couple of weeks I will post lost of pics


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The 175 MH will be plenty of light for a 20H to keep SPS. But if your planning on keeping softies, LPS, and SPS together in a nano, you will need to be concerned about the chemical warfare that might occur, some softies (like toadstool leathers) will release toxins that will affect some other corals(euphylia). I'm not saying it is'nt possible or smart to do, I'm just saying it will be another challenge in the tank as far as placement and current goes. Good luck;)

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