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Mr. W. Clarkii takes a host.


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W. has taken to hosting in this poor small xenia. Ms. E. Clarkii has quit trying to kick his a** every 10 seconds. Which is a good thing considering she is three times the size of him.


I just thought I'd share. Feel the luv.

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Lizbeth, I'm so jealous!! My stupid perc has hosted the intake for my filter and powerhead. i did some rearranging in the tank today and it was checking out my xenia but after lights out it's now curled up with it's favorite intake. RATS!!!


BTW beautiful fish and such a tiny xenia. My xenia is growing at an alarming rate, along with my bubble coral. Why the heck would my perc host a darn PH with a xenia and bubble so readily available? Stupid fish!!

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Clowns are...well.....clowns. He is so cute bobbing up and down in his xenia. The xenia is a first "test coral" in the 40. She on the other hand is a digger, she's working on a hole under the big slab rock, I hope it doesn't landslide and smash her. I need to make sure it's really stable...after I eat dinner.


Are your percs "false" or "true" ?

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Just one, true. Great little fish, lots of personality, but rocks for brains. If you had a nice soft coral to kick back in opposed to a hard piece of plastic?


After rearranging the tank today the perc was hanging around down at the sand bed making sure my yellow watchman goby was getting adjusted. Darn SLF crab tried to grab it twice after the massive upheaval of the tank.


My 17 year old son just found a really cool looking crawly thing on my sand bed. It looks like a sea version of a walking stick. Kind of moves like an inchworm. Gotta love brand new LR!!

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Ziz, that's so funny about the heater!


RM, No worry about hijacking! I love the picture. Hmmmm, interesting..you have more than one pair and there is no a** kicking going on? Da*m you and your anemones anyway! :)

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Are any of your clowns aggresive, I had a pair of tank raised clowns with a host anemone, anytime I would get within a foot of their anemone, they would charge at me and bite my fore arm.

It didnt hurt but it did feel like a pinch.

This was in my 125 I used to have and their anemone was about 13" in diameter.

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Speaking of aggresive clowns, I went into the LFS today and they just got a shipment in. I was looking in those small display tanks with open tops there are about 12 a row and they cascade like steps. Well I told the guy "Hey man, this clown has the other one in it's mouth, do you want me to seperate em" I'm not talking "nipping" here. Full on mouth totally wrenching the other clown. So he runs over and as he puts his hand and sort of helps the clown jump into the next tank. So 30 seconds later he's got the clown in that tank by the head and is shaking him around. So the guy comes over, clown jumps a level down, same thing over again, guy finally tells the customer he's helping to wait for him to put the clown i it's own tank. Not bad though, 3 fights in less than 2 minutes. I passed on buying her.

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Yes, clowns are evil. Ms. E (evil) Clarkii is one bad fish. When she was in quarintine in the 10 she would attack me. Now that she is in the 40 she doesn't. She chases poor W. Clarkii all the time but doesn't hurt him. The interesting thing is he is really not very afraid of her. He runs but then comes right back out. Sometimes he does the shakin" thing at her......I hope he is a he and they will eventually pair up.


It sounds like a good thing that you passed that one up. :)

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