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Innovative Marine Aquariums

CPR Bak Pak Skimmer cleaning ?


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I was wondering how often people with Bak Pak's on their tanks take them off and give them a good cleaning.


I clean the pump regularly and I just replaced it with a new rio 800.




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Hey Skeletor,


Keep the pump clean, especially the air intake and outlet (make sure you scrape the deposits off). Other than that, I found that my skimmer works best when I don't clean it.:x Someone, once told me that the "film/scum" that coats the inside of the skimmer helps the skimmer work. I guess this is true. If I clean my skimmer, it takes a couple of days for it to start skimming well again.


I clean before partys and company come over.......they always ask "what's that bubbling thingy?"

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thanks onthefly,


I just recently moved the tank after over a year of running and there were lots of nice sponges and stuff in the skimmer, but I'm woried about die off during the move (it spent about 2 hours without water). It also doesn't seem to be skimming very well, and that is with a new ph.



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