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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Missing fish


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im mising one of my baby clown fish does any one know if my crabs or yellow tang could have eatin him .



I check my filter, protein skimmer, and on the floor



Do you think it is posable for the clown to just me in a rock for some odd season. ill keep looking but does any one have any ideas were i could look to find him.


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I once "lost" a 5" lawn mower blenny!


Never found him, no way he jumped out, not in the skimmer, pumps, PH's, rock, sand, ANYWHERE!


It was a freakin' X file. He was there one day and gone the next!

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Dead stuff = buffet for scavengers. To put it in perspective, I saw a nassarius snail (half an inch in size) chow down on a chunk of squid (fish-sized, 1 or 2mm a side). It was gone in a matter of minutes. A few crabs could polish off a small, dead fish equally quickly, I'd imagine.

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my cardinal vanished the same way.. that's why I've come to the belief that my clean-up crew is on loan from the mafia... not a trace... just a message left on my answering machine saying "You're next smart guy" in a thick new york/new jersey accent...

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well i was looking through all of my rocks last night, so i check the skimmer again and what do you know the clown went through the pump and into the bo-bale.


it was weird because you would have thought that he would be chopped up if he went through the pump because its like a fans fins that pump the water if you know what i mean.

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