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SPS for trade for ricordia Eastern PA....


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I live in eastern PA 19512. I am looking for all different kinds or colors of ricordia for my son's tank. I have allot of SPS to offer in trade as well.


Green slimmer

Orange cap

Blue tort

Green pocilapora

Green digi

Purple digi

Green montipora

cali tort

some unknown acro's various colors.

and more.......


If anyone has some ricordia they want to swap with me reply and I will get back to you soon!





When it gets warmer, I will start to ship again, sorry

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How far are you located from Allentown?








I am about an hour south east of Allentown. I am in Boyertown pa. 19512. Interested?


PM me please. I am desperate to get rid of some sps. I have so much.....





Jose here are just a few photos of some of my frags...






I have two nice frags of this montipora spongodes. Really a nice piece.



I have a frag of this small colony.


I have a frag and can do more of this pavona coral. Another nice coral


I have purple digi...


I have allot of orange cap



Here is the pocilapora



I figure photos help motivate some. Anyone else want to swap rics. I am leaning twards all colors but would love some purple, blue, red or orange. pink and any others....




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hmmm... carpool... good idea. Let me check my schedule and I will get back to you JF... Meanwhile.. spankey, shall I paypal u first so you can hold on to it until i can free myself up to take a ride to phily?

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Yeah that would be cool. I PM'd ya the info. Your frags will be safe.



What is it that I have that you want as well? This way I can make sure I can frag it ahead of time and have it healing up for you and encrusting. If you feel comfortable doing the same as Oogie, I am fine with that and I will PM you my details as well.




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Spankey-Hey there-- I am in Pgh, PA but will be in Newtown PA 18943 on 12/19 and 12/20. I have some rics---and me wanty some SPS for my winter hibernation! Since I have to be there two days---how could we do it? I guess I can drop off the rics on my way into town and pic up the buckets full of acro and montis on my way outta town???? :)


Lemme know--


I think I may have gotten some Elkhorn monti from you on frags.org about a year ago? Maybe? If so, you are the one who taught me about $10 in-state UPS Ground for OVERNIGHT!!! Thanks!! If that wasn't you--then I take back my thanks. :)

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How many rics do you have that I would be giving you buckets of acro's and montis" I sure hope ALLOT???? Also what types of colors are there. Can you supply photos at all? I am looking for mostly rarer colors... But if you have some nice quantites I would gladly swap you some sps, Let me know.





Oogie are you still interested in the two frags if so please respond so I don't sell what you are needing.


Thank you!


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I was joking--did you ever hear of exaggerating? I only have a handful of rics and was just cruising here so I'm not prepared with my portfolio right now. I can assure you I probably have a thing or two you might like.


Hold off on the buckets for now--

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LOL I get it....I will trade you buckets of SPS for buckets of nice rics. Fair trade....LOL.... Can you email me photos to Instead of posting them? Would that be eaiser?




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Sounds good! I have tons of stuff and I am considering "shutting down" my ebay and shipping operation for a few months. I just got a Ca reactor and I realize it's gonna be a loooong winter---so I need something to obsess on!! I will take some pics and email you. Take your email addy off there and PM it to me. (You can get SPAM!!) I will send you pics this weekend or so---It will be two weeks before I'm there. I have some blues with pink mouths, greens, and purple greens. I don't have any reds, oranges or pinks. :(

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