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A case for filter cleaning


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This morning, I notice that the empty Aqua Clear 200 I use on my nano had stopped running. GF said, "Yeah I noticed that last night." Thanks. Look inside, and the various algae, sponges, and god knows what else had turned into a stinking gooey mess in the stagnant water. Ah well, I figure. No biggie. I can pick up a new filter later.


So I go about my business with the teeth brushing and the coffee brewing and all the while I'm thinking what else I can get today now that I have an excuse to stop at the LFS. Anyway, I'm working on the lower molars when I hear a strange sound coming from the living room. Sort of a sputtering, gurgling, pulsating sound. Now at this point, I am uncaffenated, and as such, the mind is a bit slow at making connections. So I brush on, not giving it much thought. You see, the surface skimmer on my larger tank inhales air from time to time and splurges it out into the water. That, combined with the temperamental protein skimmer on that tank, makes funky noises coming from the living room a common thing.


So away I brush, the whole time trying to place this odd noise. It didn't dawn on me what it was until it stopped. Now anyone who's ever owned an AC (all of us, I'm sure) will know that unmistakable sound when the filter finally clears the air from the intake tube: the pulsing sputter stops, followed briefly by a short silence, and then the sound of water overflowing, full-force, back into the tank. Oh god, no.


I sprint to the living room to find the AC back in action, spilling nasty death-water into my beautiful nano. I rip off the hood, and lean over the tank, trying to reach the power cord to unplug the damn thing. Into the tank drips a blob of Colgate Whitening. This just keeps getting better. I dash to the other side of the room to grab my bucket of mixed water. On the way, I nail my pinky toe on the foot of the coffee table. DAMN! For some reason, Crakeur came to mind, and I could have sworn I heard some Scott Joplin playing in the distance.


Now I have a purple toe and a nano filled with ugly, cloudy water with pieces of crap floating everywhere (and toothpaste). My corals were helplessly hunkered down, begging me to do something.


Anyway, long story short (too late), I've spent the better part of the morning doing a series of water changes. Things are looking better, but everything still looks stressed. I'm anxious for the lights to come on and see if things start opening up again. Thanks for listening. The moral of the story: clean your pumps from time to time. Shamed to say, I haven't touched this filter in close to a year. I won't even try to explain what the impeller housing looked like during the post-mortum.

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wow... that sucks.


Well... had you of read the instruction manual that comes with EVERY filter...... :rolleyes: and retained a shred of the info you would have noticed a line to the effect of : ".....proper maintanance and regular cleaning of impeller well are recommended on a regular basis....."




BUT... you sir do not get a siesure cause at least you had the fore-thought to have salt water ready and added a dollop of some Flouride to prevent decay of the Calcified Skeleton and Gingivitis of the Polyps beforehand.....

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Thanks for not giving me the seizure treatment. On behalf of my gender, I find it offensive that you think I would have read the instructions.


Lights are on and believe it or not, everything looks better than it had before. Now some may say this is due to the massive water changes, but my money's on the toothpaste. Got your message BTW. I'll give you a call in a few.

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glad I lurked on over while sitting on hold with Citibank (atm double dipped me - Bastards!)


Satch, perhaps we should not remain in contact as this is proof positive that my bad luck can, and will, eventually rub off on others.


I do hope that, in all that panic, you did get a small giggle out of your Crakeur-like episode of luck.


Sorry pal but I need to say it - thanks for the laugh. Hopefully everything will work out with the livestock. If not, there's always my unattended tank. Come loot it - I'll never know and my wife will be thrilled to have a man around the house that isn't there just to pass out for a few hours.

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Yeah BABY ! YEAHH !!!!...




Wife... = Post Preggers.......


nm :


raincheck d00d .. take a raincheck.



LOLZ J/K Steve...

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hehe. I did get a kick out of it when all was said and done. Without you around to please the gods of reefing-mishaps, they apparently chose to smite someone else. You're like the lightning rod for the rest of us, so April 15th can't come quick enough.

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Lights are on and believe it or not, everything looks better than it had before.


colgate whitening formula? hmmm, new dosing chemical! :woot:


sorry to hear about that. i hadn't read this thread yet when we were talking on the phone. at least they look alright now, right? we can replace any losses later. ;)


don't you love how helpful gf's and wives are? X)

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No comedic story could ever be considered complete without the obligatory TOE SMASH!!!


For some reason things are just more hilarious when someone jams a foot appendage into a door or piece of furniture! Why's that!?


Some of my funnier memories are centered around family members who JAMMED a toe into a wall or door and are hopping around on one foot with tears streaming from their eyes! :woot:


Hopefully, one day, we will all evolve to where we don't need pinkie toes! But until then, we will see them on America's Funniest Home Videos! B)

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Yep, I think my brain thinks my foot ends an inch sooner than it actually does because I stub the damn things almost daily. It's actually surprising my pinky toes are still with me, considering the trauma they've been through.


The optomist in me wants to say this was for the best. The tank is crystal clear and everyone looks happy. I had a chance to siphon out a lot of crap during the megachange. Even scraped the hard to reach algae and coralline from the back glass. Not to mention the mouths on my LPS have never looked so minty-fresh.

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Think this is one of the greatist tank blunders of all times (god knows I've had my share)... glad no major damage was done. I was laughing my *ss off at your misfortune though -thanks for sharing! p.s. Dave, how many of us do you really think "regularly" service our pumps -LOL? I though I may also proudly note that I have never read the instructions on any hardware on my nano (instructions on my dosing are different ;) ).

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Originally posted by printerdown01

how many of us do you really think "regularly" service our pumps ?


I'm not ashamed to admit it. At least once a day, when time permits, although lately I haven't been able to find the time to....


oh, sorry, I thought you meant something else.

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PD, don't you see the class of members who have posted to this thread? You can't leave the door open like that around here.

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