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2 Peppermint Shrimp in 15H tank


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I was wondering if it would be too crowded in a 15H tank to have 2 peppermint shrimp. They are both in my 90g that I'm breaking down and would like to move them to their new home. Any comments? Thanks.

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You should be fine with 2 peps in a 15h. I had 2 going in my 15 until I added my clowns. Who knew that cinnamon clowns liked to attack my shrimp. They were picking them off the rocks and just harassing the heck out of them, until they couldn't be found anymore.


Skeletor - I'm surprised to hear that you have 3 peps with a CB. CB's are notorious for killing anything it can catch. How long have you had them there?

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Hey LakerFan,


The peppers have been in there a week and are just starting to come out during the day a bit more. The CBS is the old man of the tank, been in there over a year now, and he used to share it with a skunk. I got the CBS when he was a little baby.. The peppers are in there to eat aiptasia ( I hope :-)



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I hope he won't eat them, he was living with a skunk cleaner shrimp for over a year and never one fight and the skunk molted about every 6 weeks....



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