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LIFE!!! LIFE!!! LIFE!!! I got life?


$80.00 plus FedEx overnight FRIGGIN' shipping for TWENTY-TWO pounds of get this... Select Fiji Premium Live Rock... and I quote, "Each and every piece of our Select Fiji Premium Live Rock is hand picked by our experienced packaging crew... We leave out the rubble and only send you quality pieces that we would place in our own aquariums."... and all I can find is ONE stinking Fan Worm Tube? X)


Other nano'ers get snails, shrimp and crabs with their LR. Some get Nudi's and other critters. I get a Fan Worm Tube!


How does THAT work exactly?


Geez... I wonder how long it will take my 22 lbs of cinder blocks to cycle? : Damn. I better bust out the nitrite test kit too! Don't wanna miss this spike!


Good thing I broke out with a custom hood and those Retro 2x36watter PC's! Would't want my Fan Tube Worm to be starved for some rays.


$300 bucks to raise a Fan Tube Worm so far. Maybe I should hurry up with that 'fuge and auto top off system too!


LMAO!!! :D

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Sorry to burst your "super-wonderful" bubble, but just because you have a tube, doesn't mean you have a live worm in there. ;)


It's not like I ever see either of my tagalong brittle stars or anything, so you aren't missing much. (there, did that make you feel better?) :P

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hahahahahahah truly funny. dont know why but i cant stop laughing. your life will eventually pop up. you will continue to see new things every day for years to come. it just takes time.

anyways thanx i need that laugh.

good luck with the fan worm tube too.


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I wish my live rock came like yours. Oh boy I got the bad bristle worms, flatworms, an evil murderous crab. Ya your really missing out.

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Have you ever shined a flashlight in your tank at night? Say 2-3 hours after lights out? They're all in there having late night poker parties.



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