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I tried this stuff that kills flatworms and it did...i thought. tons of them died but now I see a couple again. why cant i kill them? they are in my 2.5 gallon look at my thread in pico forums by clicking below to see whats in there. and on page three there is the whole story of the flatworms and what happened. and please help if you know what I should do

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Thats on page 4 of your thread. And you don't have any pictures of the flatworms you are talking about. last I checked they are harmless (for the most part). So I would stop worrying, and use the search function!

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ok page 4 im sorry... and they arent harmless they killed a mushroom and now they are munching on some PPE's and why would I need to post pics of flatworms... they are pretty common and most people would know that they look like.

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ok page 4 im sorry... and they arent harmless they killed a mushroom and now they are munching on some PPE's and why would I need to post pics of flatworms... they are pretty common and most people would know that they look like.

I use a coralife worm trap. They work great and they cost about 8 bucks.It's a baited trap. I had about three worms in my 30 gallon and caught them within 3 hours of using it.

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did you shroom and PPE's die after the treatment? If so, that is because the flatworms let off a toxin when they die..

anyway syphon out as many as you can THEN treat the tank....

they are harmless i have them in my 90g. and i used to have them in my 30g. im not so sure it was the flatworms. Also, just cause flatworms in general are common, there are different types i have the brown variety and i have a large white/clear variety

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well one shroom did die but it was on its way out from them and now they are on my PPE's and they are the brown kind

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The brown kinds are a pain. From what I understand they don't eat the coral, they smother it from light. I got some from another reefer **shakes fist** lol


I'd say siphoning as many as you can and then treating is the best way to go :)




Clear/White guys are just fine.

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