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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Omg Omg - My Snail!!


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my margarita's ate a film of the stuff off the back glass.. I like these guys, except that they need those snail-beepers when they fall over..

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For those of you who clicked this picture - and ur cd rom popped open...


ITS NOT A VIRUS - its just an exploit in windows. So please dont panic. :)

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I was sitting here in silence when pop, pop, pop... uhmmm what?


Open up the case door and my CD-ROM is trying to eject. wtf... Please don't do this kind of thing on nano-reef.com. It's one of the few places where I can click links and not expect them to very bad things to me.



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My snails and crabs ate all of my red slime and regular green algae. I have to feed my snails nori so they don't starve to death.

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JUST AN EXPLOIT!? Why would you do such a thing? From viewing your directory of the "reefs" folder of your site at www.absolutec.com/reefs/ I noticed that the 31503-Stomallea.jpg file was put their on march 16th being a 53k file size, then you decided to create today the 1k security exploit to run the exploit and then link to the formentioned picture of the snail. This was not an accident and was puposely created and posted as a thread, and then you say "don't worry, it is just an exploit" Do you realize the definition... http://www.iinet.net.au/support/security/exploits/


Granted, the script that you used is not harmful.





However, there are more jpg embeded trojans out there then I care to count and most are very malicious. This was probably the least funny thing I have gone through today. I still don't see the purpose of why it was done? Abs, c'mon man, don't scare people like that.

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I'm all for a good laugh too...


But when you start jacking with other people's systems, it's no longer funny. Too many bad things can happen to those who trust others.


Heck, I won't even open an attachment from my own kid's or friends! Who know's what the hell they've opened up, or was deposited on their system when on someone elses - IDIOT - site. Or even what has been sent to them, unknowingly.


All I know is I don't need it.


I'm in LiQuid's camp. Knock it off. :angry: Otherwise you could end up on a number of the member's "Ignore List", and I've always liked you! ;)


Think about it Reef. B)

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Take a breather. I never said it was an accident. Yes, I know what files are there, yes I did link the picture, no its not my code. I just changed what picture was linked.


If it was bad, I would not have posted it. Plain and simple.



I wonder, if Dave posted it - it probably would be funny.



Anyways, run NAV all you want - no harm done. Besides, if your that concearned, you should not be on the internet. :)

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You have to understand, I've seen my share of distruction. Picture many many moons ago, Defcon 4, I believe it was, in Texas, me with a hat and dark shades, slink'n around with my friends as the feds snapped pictures in the distance, that night, Back Orifice was realesed and copies handed out to those who attended, we did some bad things and then played around with the competeing Netbus for a while. I used to think it was funny the stuff I used to do, but now realize it wasn't funny.


It has been a long time since those days and I am quite rusty on all the new viruses and trojans and kind of freaked when it happened (I used to open and close peoples drives while moving their mouse around and playing music while demanding things from them or that I would erase their hard drives). For a second I thought "oh no, now it's gonna be my turn". Well after going nutty for a few minutes, I checked the code and my blood presure went down. I know you did not mean it to make anyone mad or to do any damage, I guess it is like hearing fire crackers after serving in Vietnam, the kid with the fireworks means no harm but could surely scare the bajesus out of the poor vet in the wheel chair.

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My first modem was a 1200 baud modem. On a commodore 128D. :) My favorite game at the time was a game called modem wars. The first real-time strategy game. Heheh... ahh the good ole days. You had to actually find someone who owned or copied the game. Then you had to set up a time to play. Then you had to get the two modems to connect. Hehe...



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