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noob with the 10 gallon "reef"


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hey all...this site has helped me lots and i finally decided to buy a 10 gallon last month and decided to make it into a reef. Ive had an eclipse 29 fowlr for 4-5 months now, but where's the fun in those. I plan to keep some pretty "hard to keep corals" so i would like to know if a 20" 96watt coralife compact flourescent would be worthy in a 10 gallon. Right now i only have 3 pounds of live rock, a pair of clownfish and a little baby maroon clownfish. Also i plan to get 15-ish pounds of rock and 10 more pounds or live sand on the 10 i alreadie have....am i doing alright so far?


Thank any input will be appreciated.

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what kind of corals are you thinking of? a lot of the difficult corals are considered difficult because they are non-photsynthetic so then your lighting wouldn't matter much.

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The maroon is going to have to go, the sooner the better. It will get much larger than the other clowns (up to 6'') and it is generally considered the most aggressive species of clown. Other than that you should be ok, I'll warn you though, the hardest thing in your tank as far as "hard to keep" corals are concerned is the difficulty of keeping a 10g stable. I have a 10 and it is a great little tank but if i let it go for a couple days things can get out of wack and that might kill more sensitive corals. If your just starting with coral I would advise just trying some of the basics (zoas muchrooms leathers) and working your way towards harder corals like sps or whatever it is that you have in mind.



Edit for spelling...

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are the pair of percs and the maroon clown in the ten or in your fowlr? i would think that that is a pretth high bio load in a ten. plus the ten is too small for the maroon which will lead to him beating the hell out of the percs. I'd get em outta there. i know thats not what the thread is about but just trying to help..........

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yea, but the maroon is atmost half an inch...im gonna find him a home once i see that he is getting bigger or doing anything to the perc...but as of now, he is almost 3-4 times smaller then the perculas. That i kno when to do...What i am primarily worried about is gettin a fixture and then havin to buy a new one to upgrade as i would rather spend more money now and get the irght lighting....But i tihnk that a 96watt coralife would be sufficient...maybe not? i dont plan to go into sps, but the other harder to keep kind would be sure of some interest...tHanks

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The 96w light will be fine for mushrooms, rics, zoa's. softies and some LPS such as candy cane, frogspawn, torch...there are a lot of options. You might consider going with MH though, cost a bit more up front, but the bulb lasts longer (quad bulbs are $$$) and with MH you can keep almost anything.

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