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Cultivated Reef

Question re: Fish and sound waves


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Can any of you direct me to documentation regarding the effects of low frequency sound waves (18-30 hz) at moderate (100-105 decibels) volume on fish and other life in tanks? I've done searches and have come up with zilch, though I'm new to the hobby and am not aware of all resources.


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I have a subwoofer and I'd like to know as much as I can about its effects before I go any further into this hobby. FYI, a subwoofer is a speaker designed for low frequency output. Mine can shake the wall on the other side of the house. This is very cool for movies like Fellowship of the Rings...not so good for fish, I suspect. I'd like to know the particulars.

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I listen to DI all te time, and my 12's and 10

3- ways rowk all the time as the woofers pound in my house.


Some fish like techno. some dont... you really have to pick out yer fish according to their music taste.


My lionfish and many of my corals like Classical music.


My tangs and my wrasse like to movit movit !



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Wow! I haven't crossed paths with a DI listener in a long time, let alone fish who dug 'em.

I've heard sps thrive with steady doses of Minor Threat, but I have no hard evidence.

Sounds like my tank will be A-OK.

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Originally posted by ChrisD

FYI, a subwoofer is a speaker designed for low frequency output.


Thank you Mr. Wizard.. I had no idea what a subwoofer was..

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Sorry. The statement was directed at others who may not be as familiar. Oh, and by the way, I have no sense of humor. So anything funny or witty is completely lost on me.

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Originally posted by ChrisD

steady doses of Minor Threat, but I have no hard evidence.

Sounds like my tank will be A-OK.


Ah yes.

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