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Coral Vue Hydros

Test Kit Comparison: Interesting

| ReEFnEwB1E |

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| ReEFnEwB1E |

I got this off RC board while looking for another test kit since my HAGEN MASTER TEST kit wasn't up to par with readings. All this time I tested it with the Hagen thinking I had everything under control and find out Hagen is not accurate for marine aquariast standards. Anyways, after much reading and searching I didn't find anything here to help the "NEWBIES" so I am posting it for your information. Oh and this is only the NITRATE kit from each company but if one test kit fares well I wouldn't think the other from the same company wouldn't.


Test Kit Comparison Translated from German;)

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good article.

Koodos fer a well found research post. ;)


you sir get 2 thumbs up from me.


Kinda funny..... all this time I have been recc the Salifert test.... guess which one works out to be best....


yeah I know......


But I'm a Dick. :rolleyes:

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good find-nice translation-

"And completely inexperienced we are not all, in the opposite some us even as "Hardocoreaquarianer" would probably designate."



my german isn't so good, neither is my old world english-did NE1 notice who sponsored the research? salifert?


red sea=read sea=talk sea=mega LOL


is NE1 else surprised at how well that characin test did? but they did fail to detect the low concentration in two outta three.


person M is my favorite, he's prolly a hardocoreaquarianer like me


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| ReEFnEwB1E |

I think it wasn't sponsored but just some german aquarists simply putting down comparison to help the hobby and us out in finding out the "truth" about some of these kits out there.

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I re read it. I saw no sponsorship or favoritizim. Alas of course they "dumbed down" the test for ease of reading and left out a lot of the particulars.


I perferr them to make me sort through all the info to see fer myself what is good....... Oh wait.... I've already done that IME = Timeframe.....



I just didn't have any fancypants lab or nifty bargraph...


Just ...

" WTF ? ! I KNOEW there EIZ NO3 in this crappy watah !"

Which one... : test kit:

A) Sux,

B)Kinda works - Nope,


D... fuggeadddaboutit

E) YEAHH BABABBBY !!!!!!......


the rest I took back or gave away to homeless people.

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I just ordered the Mini test Kit from Hagen last night ($13 bucks) for a freshwater setup. BUT, I came this -><- close to getting the $40 Master test kit in anticipation of setting up a reef tank. This is one case where being cheap worked out for the best.


Thanks for posting this!

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I have the red sea or as they call it (talk sea)..are they saying this test kit is innaccurate..I think the kit may be innaccurtae for my ammonia readings

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