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Many Questions about my 10 Gal W/ PIC


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Here is a pic of my tank, if it doesn't load I will add it later. It has been running a little over 2 months, everything is looking very healthy. Here are my questions:


I have been running a 36 W Actinic PC since I started. Is this spectrum light enough to support the corals in my tank? I have purchased a 32 W 10,000K but am waiting to build a canopy before I run it.


I heard that some clowns will hang out in and around anenome subsitutes, I have a frogspawn which opens up to roughly 6x6" when fully extended. Will an Ocellaris clown use this, and is it large enough to survive with a clown of this size hanging out in its tenticles?


My live rock came with some coraline algae already on it, I am dosing with B-ionic. Will stronium help coraline spread?

I have a 5 inch bristle worm that comes out at night, I read that they should be removed because they can do damage to corals, and even eat some. Mine seem to be untouched and healthy, can I keep my bristle worm or will he start munching on coral when he gets larger?


Right now I am doing weekly changes with R/O, it is very difficult to use my gravel vac with all of the corals and live rock in my tank so I have stopped. I do have a very large cleanup crew for a 10 gallon, and they do a great job of sifting sand. Is it necessary to gravel vac reefs? How about if my aragonite substrate isn't as fine as the live sand I have seen packaged?


Thanks for answering any of my questions, I am fairly new to reefs but do a lot of reading and research.


Tank Specs: 10 Gallon, 12 lbs aragonite, 15 lbs fiji, 32 W Actinic PC, Prizm Skimmer with upgrade kit, Rio 50 PH, 11 Blue leg hermets, 6 Astrea, Fire Shrimp, Algae Blenny, Xenia, Colored Fungia, Toadstool Leather, Ricordia, Frogspawn, Zoos, and Shrooms. Dose W/ B-ionic, Iodine, Stronium, Coral Accel, and Phytoplankton.

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1. if the corals like the light, and it looks like they do, then you shouldn't need to worry.


2. clowns will host in anything, including powerheads. the frogspawn will be adequate and shouldn't have any issues with the clown.


3. corraline. B-ionic should help it out. scrape it a bit to help spread the growth. some get it growing, others don't.


4. bristle worms generally won't go after healthy animals. leave the worm alone. I have tons in my tank and they never go after anything healthy. At least not that I have ever seen.


5. don't vac the substrate. the sand has tons of essential animals in there and vacing will remove them.


hope that helps.


forgot to mention that the tank looks great.

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I don't know all the answers here, but I can add my 2 cents...


Lights: I've never heard of anyone keeping corals under just actinic.. I would say get that 10k in there...


Clown/Frogspawn: If the Frogspawn doesn't contract when the clown hosts in it, you're fine... not all clows will host, and fewer will host in non-anemones... it could take weeks or months if at all... although, I must say, I have a strange clown.. he sleeps in my GOB... *shrug*


B-Ionic: never dosed it, couldn't say... do a search in the forums here for B-Ionic.. there've been plenty of conversations about it...


Vac-ing The Sand: I dunno.. I don't vac my sand.. but then I have pretty active hermits, and a cuke, so it stays pretty clean... personally, if it doesn't look like it needs it, I won't do it...


I hope that helps some...

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oh yeah.. and what crak said about the BW...


But about the lights.. crak.. a single actinic bulb for the entire tank? If anything, I would've said a 50/50 and not just actinic... but you're right.. if they are thriving, and you like the look, all the power to you...

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Xavier, personally, I love the all blue look but I wouldn't go with only that. My corals all stay open during the blue period (36watt) but they definitely look happier with the halide on. All I was saying is if the corals are opening up (a lot) and you like the look, no need to upgrade. I would imagine that, over time, the corals will either adjust to the blue only or they will demand more light.

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I know someone that runs they're tanks under actinic only and well lets just say they dont do to well over time. Its even a fish store for crying out loud! They're idea: If it looks cool with the colors people will buy them. Unfortunately when you do buy the corals and then put them in a tank with normal lights they bleach and die or cant adjust well and never make it. I would try to put a 10k soon and when you do, dont run it all day. Start off with an hour and gradually work your way up over a week or so, so the corals can adjust.

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The prizm upgrade includes a media basket which can hold carbon, a filter media, or both helps add chemical and or biological filtration. And comes with a surface skimmer adjustable in height to skim more protein off of the surface. If you adjust it perfectly it acts as an overflow getting rid of all of the surface scum. I bought it for $34.00, its worth it having an overflow.



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You'll have a better chance of growing different types of coralline if you have a daylight spectrum bulb running. Not to mention your corals will love you for it. So get that running.


I dosed B-Ionic on my 55 gallon reef along with Kalkwasser and Strontium/Molybdenum or however you spell that mouthful. I had so much coralline growing so rapidly in my aquarium that it was actually becoming kind of an annoyance.


If I didn't do any coralline scraping for a week, the front glass was completely speckled with the stuff. Everything else in the tank was covered with coralline. I liked the look but when it gets to those proportions, you're constantly scraping the stuff off your display glass.



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