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Coral Vue Hydros

OMG, my gobies spawned!

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Aaaack! I was passing my 5g nano this afternoon when I noticed some tiny little reflective bars darting around. On closer inspection I discovered my that my green-banded gobies had spawned! These babies are too tiny & active for my camera skills, but here's a video that gives an idea of what they look like in the tank:




And here are the best stills I was able to get through my loupe. You can make out the two big eyes, at least:








If I remember right, there's really no hope for these guys, right? :(




I've been off nano-reef for a while now as my dart frogs started demanding my attention...so forgive me if I've missed any relevant posts!



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Best I can tell (they're a moving target!) they're between 2 & 3 mm long--and very thin!


NanoClown--What should I worry about in the tank? Would the parents eat them? I guess the brittle stars would, but they'd have to catch them first...Don't really have any other motile predators in there....I only ask because the tank's so darn small it would be difficult to fit a net in well, also difficult to corral these guys...Or is my filter tube sucking them out?!


I was pretty good at raising bs nauplii back when I raised FW fish, but I seem to remember that these are not recommended these days for fry food? Also, these fry may be too small for them.


I don't want to ask anyone else to do my work for me, but if anyone has any references close to hand I'd sure appreciate them.


Thanks, all.

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Try and raise them if you have time. Get a phyto culture, and rotifer culture, and just pretend they are clownfish. It will be a very worthwhile thing. $$$$$ and fun.

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Try and raise them if you have time. Get a phyto culture, and rotifer culture, and just pretend they are clownfish. It will be a very worthwhile thing. $$$$$ and fun.


Well, I don't need much encouragement! Thanks for the reminders on what's available. Anyone have sources to recommend for these cultures? Again, I'm looking around myself, but time is of the essence and I don't have any previous experience...

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You may be able to feed them on baby brine. If not try rotifers. That's really cool.


I hear green banded aren't to hard to raise.

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Thanks a million for the reference! The gobies are not in handy measurable view at the moment, but are small--I think Live Aquaria listed them in the 1" or maybe 1.5" range (they're not listed now...).


Here're a couple of pics I posted a while back of the one I think is the male:


(With his reflection on the tank side)



(As I like to say, see flatworm for a handy size reference :\ )



(More at this thread: http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/index.php?...een-banded+goby )


DementedLullaby (interesting username!),


Thanks for the encouraging words! That may be just for breeders who are set up to raise fish, though--with extra tanks, plenty of food cultures, etc...But--nothing ventured, nothing gained!

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formerly icyuodd/icyoud2

try hikari first bites. but i'd try and get them on baby brine.


this might be of some interest.





"Usually found among spines of rock-boring sea urchins "

you might want to try the dyi urchin :)



the green banded is on the list of successfully bred in the home aquarium :)



most important link-breeding info

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Try and raise them if you have time. Get a phyto culture, and rotifer culture, and just pretend they are clownfish. It will be a very worthwhile thing. $$$$$ and fun.


i think this is great advice.


CONGRATS! that is awesome! great photos by the way! :D:D:D good luck!

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nice looking fish. i want another fish but i feel kind of bad that i always loose them. so i figured i will try some new corals for a while and wait a couple months before trying again. that fish you got there is a beaut.


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Six, nice to hear from you! Thanks for the encouragement & kind words!


Icy!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, what a cool breeding thread! I love those little guys! And thanks so much for all the other refs, too! I should have known I could count on you!


Do you have a thread on the diy urchin? That looks so cool. When I got my first g-b goby some time ago I researched them and learned that they were urchin associates...what a great idea to make an artificial urchin!


Well, I can't start browsing all the stuff I've missed on n-r just yet, tempting as it is, because I need to do some research & assemble some food and maybe quarters for these fry. I'm kind of afraid I won't be able to get things in place soon enough for this batch, but I'm thinking that once the fish have started breeding, there might be other spawns following this one...


Thanks again!


Adam--thanks. They're very gratifying fish, as you can imagine!


lgreen--maybe they'd eat the tiny debris (smashed cyclopeeze, I hope) that comes along when I thaw out the cyclopeeze, but the fry are not much bigger, if at all, in diameter that the whole cyclopeeze, at least to my eye.

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Oh!...so cool, again! Now I remember, I always run out of superlatives responding to your threads...


ALSO--this thread finally gave me a clue about what the "$3 soap dish" was all about--fantastic idea! Maybe I can find something like that that will fit into my nano and isolate my fry...


Cool, cool, cool. (Not feeling very erudite today! :) )




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I have seen this stuff at my LFS,its baby fish/brine shrimp food.I have never used it,nor do I know that its ok for SW.

I would just try grinding regular SW flake fish food into really really small pieces.


Wow thats awesom,I really want to try to get SW fish to breed.I am very jelous!

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Someone on my frog forum commented that I must do a good job with tank maintenance, and I told him that my water params stay very steady with weekly water changes (& siphoning, algae picking, and filter media changing). But the tank is very "dirty" by most SW standards--algae, detritus, and flatworms (even though I siphon at least once a week). But, as with overgrown FW tanks, or vivs, for that matter, my critters seem to thrive. My chitons have been reproducing and I've got tube worms everywhere, a new crop of tiny isopods on the glass...and now these fry (or I guess I should say "larvae"--that's hard to get used to!).


I think I let most of the babies get sucked out by the filter before it occurred to me that that could be a problem...it's just a HOB, so tomorrow I think I'll check the box and see if there are any salvageable fry in it...uh, larvae...


I did grind up a hikari algae wafer into powder, and they seemed to go for it. I made a juryrigged holding container for the tank by taking a small disposable Gladware type bowl, cutting holes in it, covering the whole thing with a section of pantyhose ( :D ) and adding a suction cup I stole from one of my frog film canisters! Seems to work alright but I couldn't catch many fry to transfer to it...they are so tiny, I'm afraid to use even my brine shrimp net because I think they might get stuck...


Meanwhile, I got a few pics through my 16X loupe. They're still damn hard to photograph!:






(They seem to spend a lot of time darting up through the surface like that...I wonder if there isn't some kind of microflora/fauna at the "splash line?")


Well, it's been a wild day!



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