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gsp attacked?


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last night I put a baby hippo tang in my tank to help get rid of the caulerpa that just keeps growing (got plenty of places to put the tang when the job is done).


Anyway, I put the little guy in the tank last night and this morning I went to check on it and, since the lights were out, couldn't find it. I did notice that there are what appear to be bites taken out of the gsp mat that is glued to the back glass. The only other fish in the tank is a neon dottyback and it knows to go into the fuge when it's hungry (don't ask).


So, my only thought is that the tang mistook the polyps as algae in the dark. I know it's a long shot but it is the only thing that makes sense.

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could be he needed some flesh in his diet. look for covert ninja crab operations.... chances are one of yer mithrax or a hermit has developed a taste fer um.

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Yeah...I wouldn't blame the tang just yet. My Regal (blue hippo) tang sleeps in a little cave on his side...almost catatonic at night...not ruling him out as they have been known to nip at zoos..at least over on reeftard central (thank you ESPI for the monikker) I was reading about such an incidence...



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first off, the little fella died. I had him in a bag far too long and then I did a speedy acclimation as it was close to midnight when I started the procedure.


The polyps have two areas that don't look picked at but rather it looks very similar to the fish lip marks left by a tang on the glass (when you get that green sheen on it).


I never really thought it was the tang. Mostly hoping and praying.


I doubt if I will put another tang in. I guess I'll have to live with the overgrowth of caulerpa and continue to prune it as best as I can.


Next step - recovery of corpse mission. I hope to god I can find the little bugger.

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