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And the tank goes CRASH, what to do now


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So I have a 25gal reef tank (or rather such are my plans for it). I picked up 2 ocellaris clowns on saterday morning and turns out they had somehting. I let them quarintine for a week at the LFS then they got sick then got better then quarintined for a week again. Seems it wasnt long enough, after 24hrs one died, then 48 the second had white growth all over and died as well. Then my six line caught it it seems, I suspected as he was hiding but found him in a sick state yesterday, i gave him a one min FW dip but he didnt last the night. It also seems I lost one of my peppermint shrimp to this plauge. Im down to 2 peppermints and a bicolour blenny and I fear for them.


Only the one clown has visible groth on him so I dont think its ick although I dont know. I cant very well treat what i dont know. In addtion given the 2 shrimp alot of meds arnt going to work. I turned my quarintine tank into a FW so atm i cant swich them over treat them for just whatever. [btw i realize this was dumb but I had so rarely used the quarintine that i felt it was a waste, no longer would i think this way]


Anyway, the point of all this is I dont know what to do now. I dont want to start restocking fish if theyre jsut going to die for this illness and I also dont want my remaining fish and shrimp to die either.


What can I do? Waterchanges and wait a couple of weeks?


For those interested these are my tank specs and water parameters arre below:


25gal (30x12x16)

Aqua C Remora (MJ1200) SKimmer with surface skimmer

33ilbs of live rock

30lbs live sand

Maxijet 400



Temp 78 F

SG 1.023

pH 8.0

kH 11

Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate 0ppm


remaining livestock:

1 bicolour blenny

2 peppermint shrimp

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Sounds like it might be marine ich....


head over HERE and read the post. There's some very good info on treatment and prevention.




I thought maybe Ich at first too, expect that there were never the the white spots, only excess mucus on the one clown, heavy breathing, most tired to get to the surface for oxygen before they got too weak. After reading :


RC Brook


I was thinging maybe brook. Some of the treatments are the same. At any rate it looks like a long haul of a wait. The weird thing is the shrimp, can they get ich or brook, i thought not.

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