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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Senior project


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Hey all, I have to give a lecture about my senior project. Of course my project was my nano/captive propagation. Mainly I'm here to ask about ideas and possibly photos. I seem to have a sortage of quality pictures. I'll be barrowing a digicam for my nano but I would still like pictures of differnt set ups and coral and fish. Any captive propagation in action pictures would be kool too. I will not plagerize and will put your name on the picture. Thanx...


Capt'n PATS

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Check out http://www.garf.org. Lots of info there about all kinds of things. Of course, you'll want to take a gander at the propagation section. Loads of pictures and diagrams. Some of the info is a little old. But, it should give you a good start.



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