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Coral Vue Hydros

Thoughts on Red Sea Reef Success Ca+3


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I havent ever used supplements on my 40 gal tank but I think I will on my 5.5 nano. There just cant be enough for the corals in that small amount of water. I was looking at the Reef Success Ca +3 by Red Sea. Does anyone else use this? It looks like it has all the stuff I wanted to dose. My only concern I guess is can this stuff add too much of one of the 4 elements if the corals dont use one as fast as the other 3? Also, how much should I use for a 5.5 gal when all it lists is the correct amount for a 60 gal tank.

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I don't like it.


The bottle illustrations are to damn campy, and clear plastic.

I don't trust additives that come in clear bottles.... :D

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