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Coral Vue Hydros

help my blue tang


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my blue tang has some shield on his eyes also a white dot, both eyes. left eye's dot is bigger than right one and almost coverd whole eye. the right eye only with a little dot. it had this for about a week. does anyone know what it is and .. is ther anything i can do for my little poor tang (3'') :o:o:o:o


ps i had him for about a year.


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Who says they're keeping it in a small tank? 0_o


yeah lolz, :P come on hes only 3'' ~ only 1 and half inch when i got him ~

anyway i hope it recorver asap -_+

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in order to help you, you'll need to give more info.


or if you'd rather not give more info, the best advice i can give you is to get a QT tank (20g would be good), a sponge filter, heater, thermometer, carbon, water siphon, and meds. i'd suggest QTing the fish, raising the tamp to 82-83, airating it well and seeing if that helps. if not within 3 days, proform a freshwater dip. if that doesnt work in 7 days, medicate the tank. depending on what the disease did in steps 1-3 will depend on what type of med you'll need.


these fish are planktonivores, so dont rely on algae to feed it. feed it three times a day at least with FD plnakton soaked in selcon or zoa (fish vitamins)



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thank you for all the help ~~ now one of his eyes is fine now ^O^ (good sign)

this is my second blue tang. my first one died because i put it to a 10g tank cuz ich :huh: so i hope this one can make it, all i can do is to keep the water quality up.

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