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accidently posted in the advanced forum.


i want to frag off some of my smaller zoo's from different colonys. my question is as follows.


some of the peices o got are already on a litteral chip of LR, but i only want to take maybe 1 or 2 polyps tops from it.


so, do i cut the polyps at the base withan exacto k-nife? or is there another way to get them un-attached.


thanks guys.



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yea, the video shows him doing it by having rock on it. im asking, how do i remove one polyp from the fringe of a colonly, can i glue the polyp directly to a new rock?

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well, i just did the deed. they are closed right now, but that is only to be expected. other than that, i put them in my 8gallon under the more intense lighting to help them heal. man... i need a prop tank.

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after u frag them u should put them in low light for the rest of the day so they can heal and not be to stressed.after i frag i only run actinics or no lights for the rest of the day.my.02

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thanks man! the lights are going off in about 5 anyway, i just wanted them to have a little something to eat.


thanks for everyones advice, ill let you know how they end up! and hopefully pics.

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well, they are all open so far, except for the one i cut. which looks like it is close to opening. which i hope will soon. so far my first time fragging has me at a 50% succsess rate. (which i hope will go soon to 100%, lol)

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Well, from yesterday, ive had 100% sucsess!!! (spelling, BUY ME A DICTIONARY!!!)


i just fragged another two. one is a white paladin, the other, a mutant green zoo.


These ones slimed alot, and i mean, alot!!! but they are cut and glued on. i didnt witness any melting either, so...


root for me fellas!!

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Thats pretty sweet! im gonna have to look those up in detail! well, both of the polyps i glued are doing well, the white paladin is opened compleatly, and the kyptonite is somewhat open, but small, so it wont open all the way yet!!


100% still.

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you finally show up on one of my threads, and now you gotta say something like that..... lol i dont think you can frag a tranny tho, lol, that would be wrong.....

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mahi mahi boy














just joking.




Frag'n these zoos was easy, the day after I bought my first two zoo frags....I fragged them! I now have 12 frags.....and no real light to grow them. :lol:

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i think i got a nudi... in my little tank, which sucks, so i might have to tear it aart, and FW dip it all. GRRRRRRRRR oh well, win some lose some, eh?

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yup i saw it, remember my wth thread? lol its that, and yea, some have been dissapearing, but i cant catch the sucker, everytime i see him, i grab the rock i saw him go on, but no luck?!!!! grr, lol

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