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Painting my tank room


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I have decieded to paint the room that all my tanks are in cause I'm tired of the nasty white walls covered in movie posters. You guys have any tips for moving my 10g reef and 20g planted just into the center of the room without disturbing the animals? Thanks,



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For moving aquariums. Especially aquariums of your size, just siphon the water into buckets, put your stuff in the buckets, move the buckets out of the room, paint the room, let it dry, rebuild.


That's the sure-fire way to make sure nothing nasty happens.



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deacon hemp

Here's a question is it rolled on paint or is it being sprayed on?.If it's gonna be rolled would the fume's still be too much? I ask this cause i'm supposedly painting a room where my jaguar cichlid tank is,and i was just gonna cover it.I also have super expensive pleco's so i really don't want to #$@% up and crash the tank?any info would be helpfull please! thanks -ND-

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Originally posted by tinyreef

what about the paint fumes?


The tanks will be sealed with 2 layers of poly and a large zero perosity nylon sheet (a parachute, actually) before painting will begin. The paint will be rolled on. You think fumes may be a problem?

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I have painted the room my large tank is in many times over the last 15 years...ol' lady wanting diff color and all that crap....


covered tank and stand with a painting tarp(the thin plastic kind) wrapped it up real good. Also made sure any "air delivery devices" were turned off.


paint away -- but try to open window(s) as much as ya can stand to dissapate fumes quicker!!!


NEVER lost an inhabitant, never had a problem.

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