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Help! Zoo Nudi's Everywhere


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Is there a fish or shrimp that eats Zoo Nudi's. I have them all over my Zoo's, and it's impossible to remove all of them by hand. Would a Six Line Wrasse work? PLMK. Thanks!

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Oh no! They didn't get the blue ones did they? I haven't had them yet (knock on e-wood) but heard all you can do is repeated FW dips with Lugol's. Pick off what you can by hand first.


I have read a thread that said yellow tailed blue damsels will eat em--but can't confirm that.

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They are on ALL of them. Too many to pick off. Never had them before, so I am really wondering what can destroy them. I guess I'll try a long piece of hard airline tubing, cut at a 45 degree angle, attached to soft airline tubing , going into a bucket. I'll siphon them away!!! Anybody have a better idea? Thanks!

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ReefCentral has a dip recipe--


It's basically matching ph and temp FW--with 5-6 drops of Lugol's per gallon.


Check out the sticky on RC under Zoanthids---it works great--but you have some work ahead of you.


Good Luck!

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Good luck--I am knocking on wood as I haven't had them.....yet.


They scare the hell outta me and I dip everything in the concoction from RC before quarantine now---I have seen too many stories and have been lucky so far. Your idea of siphoning along with dipping and scraping eggs will assist the damsels. I dunno if all YTD are voracious nudi eaters. Prop's past thread seemed to imply that it can be "learned" from seeing others--like a dog lifting it's leg..... :mellow:

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Actually , this is turning into a good thing! I told the wife that I had to get another aquarium to isolate the Zoo's. Nanocustoms, here I come! LOL!!!

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I went to my LFS yesterday, and the owner confirmed that YTD's eat Nudi's. I put one in, and 24 hours later, no Nudi's that I can see. He also eats flatworms! I don't have a camera right now, but I can tell you that the Nudi's are really small and change their color to match the host Zoo's colors. I highly recommend Yellow Tail Damsels for Nudi eradication!

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