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Skimmer for a 10 gallon


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Looking for some skimmer & filtration ideas for my 10 gallon nano I'm going to set up.


New to this board and going to set up my 1st nano.

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Mnesarchus- Just curiuos as to why you said no skimmer is needed for a 10 gal. I had a skimmer on my 10 gal (now 15 gal) and it worked great and pulled out a ton of stuff from the tank.


Skimmers take out some of the gunk in your tank, and IMO the only thing better than a skimmer is constant water changes. Even then you still get some waste build up in between water changes, at least with a skimmer you get a constant filtration of your tank water.


Yes you can keep a 10 gal tank successfully w/out a skimmer, but a skimmer will help you get rid of wastes in your tank, specially if you're like me and feed your tank a little more than the usual.

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Ahhh...MIKEDOC, you have hit upon one of the never ending debates of the nano-world. To skim or not to skim. The opinions of this board are pretty evenly split. Here is a link to a poll done on this site, on exactly this subject. flip a coin.Skimming poll

Good luck;)

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You can get by without skimming, but you really can't go wrong doing it...and it gives you a little added insurance in such a small environment where a chance death can have a great impact.

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i havent used one but i think a redsea seaclone skimmer would work nicely it you are adimate about using a skimmer. i have a ten gallon tank now and it is doing awesome without one. remembre if you use one it will take out some trace elements that you may want to incliude in your tank.

Check out my tank here www.geocities.com/nano_of_joes/ if you have any questions im always on and can use a pm once in a ewhile. or email me at jfaraoni@emich.edu also my microsoft messenger. good luck on whatever you deicide. excuse my misspelling it is st. patties' day you know and im in college.

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In my opinion, CPR Bakpak or AquaC Remora protein skimmer. Two of the best HOB protein skimmers out there. Of course, you pay for the best.


But, it's worth it.



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I had a seaclone on my 10 gallon. I know this brand of skimmer raises a lot of responses, but the thing worked fine for me. I wouldn't buy another for the $75 price they are now, but I paid $40 when they first came out.


I ended up switching it to a modifyed skilter 400 so I could mount the heater in the box and the filter gave enough circultation so I could remove the PH as well. This gave me more precious space.


The modification to the skilter was to run an airstone versus the venturi.

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Not sure about the Remora or Prism, but I know the CPR BakPak is too tall to fit on a 10G. If you could put your tank on a stand versus on a table, you should be okay though.



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Get a free skilter from someone and use it with the airstone mod. You can also disconnect the reaction chamber tube from the motor to keep bubbles out of the tank. Its not going to skim like the remora or CPR but it will work a little which is all you really need on a 10g.

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The Prizm Skimmer

Suitable for Marine & Reef aquariums up to 90 gallons

Out performs all other skimmers in its class

Skim enhancing, 2 stage, convergent -divergent reaction chamber

Quiet and efficient 12 blade "TurboJet" air injector

"Triple-Pass" air flow with extended contact time.

Integral water and air regulators for optimal skimming

Slim line, hang on design only 2.4" deep

Suitable for both new and experienced marine specialists

User friendly operations and set-up

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Go get a skilter for $20, slap it on there, and only run the skimmer part at night (so you don't have to look at the annoying bubbles). Easy enough...and its plenty of skimming for a 10 gallon tank.

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