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Cultivated Reef

Growth on Live Rock


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Hey all,

I've been reading the forums for a while, just never registered. However, I have a question. I have a 12g Aquapod, and it has been in cycle for about a week so far. My local fish store gave me live sand and a live rock for the tank. However, I have noticed that the rock has gotten many growths on it... it varys from white spongy stuff to black leafy things. Sorry for the bad descriptions ;) . My question is simple- Do i leave these growths on the rock, or take them off? I'm just wondering if they are harmful. Thanks!

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Welcome to nano-reef.com! :welcome:

The groths are probably just sponges,perfectly harmless but during cycling they can die and smell like a dead bloated skunk in arazona.The leafy things are probably some type of algea.Pics would help.

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if you cant post a pic, try to find a pic of something similar on the ID part of this site...or if you think you know what it is...google man!

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if you cant post a pic, try to find a pic of something similar on the ID part of this site...or if you think you know what it is...google man!

HAHA.... I can see it now.


"Results for white spongy stuff to black leafy things"

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