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20L Updates, borrowed work camera =)


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Here are some updated pics of my tank, since I finally aquascaped.  I took these two days ago.  Nitrite was at 0.1ppm, ammonia 0, so I imagine nitrite's fallen to zero by today.  Now the diatom blooms are setting in  :) .  Anyway someone requested actinic pics when I posted pics of the rock.  There's also a closeup of one of two bivalves encrusted on one of my rocks.  They're each almost 2" wide, and appear to be filter feeding.  I'm going to do a water change today and fill the tank the rest of the way up.  I took the skimmer off last weekend, and the canister filter comes off today.  I'm going to add another powerhead, and obscure the one in the photos behind the rock more.  Next week I'm adding a 9 for $99 special from IPSF, with a bunch of snails and some microhermits, as well as some feather caulerpa.  Any comments, questions or suggestions are appreciated.







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Looks good! What brand of lights are you using? I'm having a terrible time with the decision on lights for my 20 tall. I really like the way your actinic looks.

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Thanks.  My lights are 2x55 watt Hamilton PCs.  They're in a ABS housing, made by Jalli.  


So much for my fish philosophy.  I added a small perc and small banggai cardinal today.  I couldn't choose between the two... that will be it for fish though.

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looks good.  i love the 20 long tanks.  make great nanos imo.  the powerhead might look better in the top corner.  stays out of center view that way.  i hate having cords showing in the tank.  you got some nice pieces of rock though.  what's the bottom pic of?  just the coralline, or it looks like a crack or something.  just curious.

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The bottom pic is the bivalve I mentioned in my first post.  I was able to get a closeup of it with the Nikon CoolPix.  If you look closely, the dark stripe across the middle is where it's opened up to filter feed.


I did move the powerheads, as well as take off the canister filter, so the tank looks almost equipment free now.  :)

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Great looking tank! Please keep us updated, with pics. :), as the tank progresses. It looks great!


There is something to be said for a 20L... They do really look sharp.

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