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"Freak-comes-out-at-night" hitchhiker. Sorry, I dint do no search...Anyone know what this is? It's looking like a aiptasia encrusted slug and came on a few hours after I turned off the lights (and put on the blacklight).

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BTW, I went and got me a blacklight from Home Depot - one of those $19.99 GE 18" bulb-n-ballast deals. It's cool. You guys w/ your great variety of zoo morphs should all get one too! It's awesome to see what colors show up under the blacklight. For instance, that green one in the pic actually had some orange along the fringes. Under regular lighting, it's a green rimmed, purple cored w/ green slit deal.


However, as mentioned by ESPI in a prior thread, the blacklight will tend to cast a clouded glow throughout the tank when the water's been there for a while. If water's new, it's crystal clear. I guess if your water quality's awesome, you'd probably not have a clarity problem.

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You're probably right. But it's only on for like an hour or so, just so that I can say out loud to myself "Oooh, that's coooool" 250 times.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The slug in your picture is a nudibranch. That particular one is an aeolid. If you want to know the exact species, you may want to post the picture in ask dr. ron forum on reefcentral. He also has an ID guide at www.rshimek.com that can be helpful in determining the critters.


The nudibranch will probably starve to death in a few days unless you happen to have exactly the right food for it the tank (corals, hydroids, or anemones). I have one tiny pink one that came with some gulfview liverock. I saw it cruising around for 2 or 3 days and it disappears after that.


I'm curious how big that nudi is and what camera you use to get such a clear shot.

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thanks for the ID trung. Nudibranch huh? Well, it did disappear after a few days or so (at least I think it did), but I did see it munching on one of the anenomes in the tank, a quarter sized one that flouresced green undre the blacklight.


The slug was about 2" long. Camera's not good @ all, just that 600X480 photo capture option on my digital camcorder. Pic just looks really clear.

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