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Cultivated Reef

bumps on my citron goby


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I have just recently added a yellow citron goby to my ten gallon reef. I have noticed when he is out swimming about, that he has several bumps all down his left side. They are the same color as him, but just seem to be down his left side only. I am wondering if he got to close to the small brain I have, and possibly got stung. Any help would appreciated.

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Tea Tree Oil is not going to work in saltwater. Skimmers take it out. (Melafix is Tea Tree Oil.) Turning off your skimmer on the main tank to use this product is a huge mistake. I've enevr actually seen Melafix work except in freshwater on goldfish. I personally dont think it works well in many applications. If you want to try it, try it in a QT tank that gets many regular small water changes.


Clown/citron gobies are resistant to many coral's stings. they are coral perchers by nature. That wouldnt be likely as a cause.


Got a pic? Sounds internal. If not it's most likely bacterial or viral. Pics of your fish or a similar effliction would help.



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i have never used protein skimmers in my tanks and they thrive, i use natural filtration methods and careful balancing of tank inhabitants. in that situation, it has worked more as a preventative in all of my saltwater tanks and has treated some fin rot issues in new fish, as well as a few ulcers on newly aquired marine bettas. It also works well on all freshwater fish. If you dont use a protein skimmer and use adequate natural filtration (making the skimmer unnecissary) then melafix will work wonders

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Yea, I agree with "natural" methodologies... but for most aquarists they have neither the experience nor time to run a "natural" system effectivly, and rightly so. It's far more experimental than any of the methods I'd recommend to anyone starting out.

Problems with protien are a good reason to maintain effective skimming.

Plus hardly any aquarists want to understock their aquarium as it's needed to run a true "natural" system.


Marine bettas are awesome fish. Good to hear your methodologies with MeleFix work.



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