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Coral Vue Hydros

A strange Thing


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that's a lot of aiptasia. clowns are so aptly named. they are the strangest fish and will take to the oddest things when looking for a host. Someone posted here a while back that their clown took to a floating magnet or some other bizzare host. there clowns I tell ya, clowns.

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True enough, they are strange. Mine seem to have taken to the top of my tronic heater that is submerged a few inches below the water line. Both of my clowns spend the day brushing against the heater and cling to it as a pair. Or maybe they are just cold :)


Neat to see that interaction with your tank.

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it must be a clown thing because my in my 100 gallon all they seem to do is hang around the heater on or the other (got 2 one at each end).



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My clowns seem to have taken the little space under the lip of the HOB power filter as they're home. So much for those who worry about keeping clowns without anemones.;)

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My clown has adopted the feather duster in my 12 gal.

He starts shaking at the damsel who swims near it.

The clown loves to bury inside the hairy plumes.

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Originally posted by DogfacePuffer

My clown has adopted the feather duster in my 12 gal.

He starts shaking at the damsel who swims near it.

The clown loves to bury inside the hairy plumes.


Your feather duster doesn't tuck into his tube when your clown gets near?

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No, the feather duster remains open. The clown likes to swim and brush his face with the duster feathers. Very strange. Never seen anything like this.

I wanted to take a quick picture but the clown swam away...too fast for me!

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