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Blue Zoos and PPEs for sale again! :)


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if you are looking at the ppe's...shipping is the absolute least of your concerns...wait until the auction is almost over and worry about the going bid price!!! last time they sold for a whopping $341 and that was for 4 ppe's and 10 of the blues...asking about shipping is like going to a porsche dealer and looking at a gt2 and asking what the payment would be....if you have to ask, you shouldn't be there (not to be rude or crass, just a reality check) besides, fedex priority overnight is about $40 anyways, unless you are close to the point of origin

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God, I have to get my hands on some PPEs so I can gouge them on Ebay too. You must be making a fortune off your zoa colonies.


Good luck.

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what a rip off i can get ppes in chi town for $45 and its alot more then just a frag more like 30 to 40 polyps hahahaha for who ever buys it , but whomever is selling it is one great buisness man kudos and i know someone is going to say they must not be ppes but i have seen them and they are , the guy that owns the place knows what they are to but doesnt seem to care he gets them in all the time i am thinking off buying them and selling them on ebay and maybe retire early hahaha some fool will buy them

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Beyond that it's hard to find them, is there anything else about PPEs that make them so expensive?


Is it just the color? Or is there something else?

Are there other colors of "PEs"?

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from what i hear, they grow very slowly, but i have not tried them to verify...i couldn't imagine paying those prices, but if you look on ebay, that's what others will pay...i don't have anything i try to sell with prices like that...$30 - $50 for whole colonies (40+ polyps usually)...no craziness.

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Hey coral reef, if you're thinking about getting some PPE's in Chicago, let me know and maybe we can go into it together if you're interested.



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Yea Ebay the great quest for 100 times more then its worth 8)

Ebay links should not be allowed on the board:rant:

The form is for helping other reefers and not to bend them over and make a huge profit off them:rant:

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the forum is to help people, we're not all broke reefers. If someone with some money wants a PPE and can't find it what's the harm in helping them out. These people aren't getting "bent over", they're willingly paying this much. It's just zoos, it's not medication or something someone has to have. I like the ebay links because they're usually to stuff I didn't even know was on ebay.

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yea purpetual i will see if he still has them but i just think that who ever pays that much for ANY corals are just crazy

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Whatever happened to free enterprise and supply and demand. Like Dolfan said, It's not like it's medication and anyone needs it. It is an indulgence and if someone with more money can afford the indulgence and will pay for it, who's to say what the price can be. Ferrari doesn't lower their prices to make more cars, they make Limited Editions, and get 18 month long waiting lists.. for an indulgence. See it as just that.

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I would agree that paying that much for stuff is insane, but I also would defend people who sell it on ebay. They're not forcing anyone to pay that much for anything, the people are doing it of their own accord. It's a free bidding auction. Bidders drive the prices up there. If I had something that I paid $25 for, and I fragged it and put it on ebay and someone paid me $100 for it, I would gladly smile all the way to the bank. Now if the guy started the bidding ridiculously high, or had a $500 Buy It Now option, then I would have issues with it. Free market selling at it's finest. I personally love ebay, but I always shop on it knowing how much the item costs in a local store, or in another online store. A lot of people assume that just because it's on ebay, it's the cheapest gig around. Quite often the case, but not always. Just my two cents, unless a bidder drives it up to seven cents. :)

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hey coral reef...i'm gonna hop on perpetual's bandwagon...if they really are authentic ppe's in your lfs let me know...

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they are not were i work and i have to see if he still has them , even if he does not i have seen them on many occasions there so i will let u guys know

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you guys are all right, that is why when i posted earlier, i said that is what people WILL pay, not forced to pay...there is nothing wrong with posting ebay items on here, and reef central should re-consider their new rules...if people can't find them and someone is will to take the time to frag it, sell it, and so on, then by all means, post aeay and good luck!!! some areas are blessed with availabilitiy of good stock, and some aren't...goes back to the comment made about suppply and demand....just look at gas prices (only difference is they fix the sky high prices, and on ebay, people choose to pay)...if it is too high, don't bid or COMPLAIN... just laugh

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i will let all you guys know right now i am not trying to make a profit here so 1st one on the list is perpetual and i highly dought that he will have any more (if its still there in the first place)so please stop asking to be put on the bandwagon because i am not going to waste what little time i have for myself on trying to locate ppes for everybody (no offence to everybody) your quest for the holy grail shall continue LOL

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