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Innovative Marine Aquariums

10G Long w/ 10G sump


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Hi guys,


After lots of help from you guys, I've finally finished moving the inhabitants from my 10G to the new 10G Long.


I was originally going to go w/ a 20G sump on the side of the tank but after much deliberation, I decided to go w/ a 10G tank in the stand. This kept things looking much cleaner. :D


The 10G Long was plumbed by me. I added an overflow and 2 returns. The returns are powered by 300gph eheim pump and a SCWD. I also painted the back w/ black Krylon paint. (word of advice... when drilling teeth for the overflow, go for at least 3/4 in deep. I originally drilled em 1/4", then 1/2", then up to 3/4". Was a PAIN to fill up the tank and drain it time and time again to check out the flow. Water almost flowed out of the tank!


In the sump, we have a heater, homemade bacpac, and auto topoff. Didn't do a refugium b/c there isn't much space in a lil 10G tank. The sump is raised approximately 1 ft off of the ground. I did this to create some space to put things in the cabinet and also to alleviate some of the head height for the return pump. Now it kinda sucks b/c I need to cut back the flow of the pump or else there is way too much current in the tank.


The inhabitants are:

1 pair saddlebacks

1 blenny(soon... haven't gotten him yet)


Here are pics of the old tank...




Thanks for looking!B)

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He said an eheim, the 1250 from the specs he mentioned.


Great looking tank, glad to see the overflow worked out (along with the rest of the plumbing)...you did an A1 looking job there!


Oh, I would put clamps on the SCWD hose outputs where they meet the PVC. I see you have the SCWD clamped well to the hose, but then the hose isnt really clamped to the PVC...the connection I would be more concerned about since there is no barb there... Minor thing, just a suggestion on an atherwise great looking tank!!

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hey in that plumbing picture that black piece in the middle of the pvc, is that that wave maker thing? i was looking to get one frome liveaquaria.com how is it working out?

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Thanks Wetworx for the compliments! I didn't use clamps for the white part because it was a PITA to get it on. I figured if it was that hard to get it on, it must be pretty fit. I tested the system for 3 days before adding salt and drinking water and all was well. :D


Not quite sure of the dimensions of the 10G Long. I'm sure you can find it on any aquarium website tho.


The middle black piece is the wavemaker. It's called a SCWD. After moving my corals to the new tank, they are MUCH happier now. I don't know if it's the increased water volume(about 7G compared to about 15 now), the increased lights (2x28w to an 85w), or the scwd. But the torch and the hammer look much fuller.


I would have placed the scwd in the middle but I originally cut those pieces when I was planning on placing the sump beside the tank. That's why it's kinda off center...




Thanks for the compliments everyone.

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What lighting are you using? That might give away the dimensions...unless you decide to measure it for us...


A regular 10, or 10R is 20x10x12h.

I have considered a 10L...rare to find...24"x10"x10" Long enough to fit a dual 65wattPC setup over, yet just a little bit more shallow.


On the pip/strap Emas, it might take a while for the flexible tubing to get oxidized (turns white and hard), but when it does, it will slip off that PVC rather easily. Hey, you dont have to slip it off to get a clamp on...the clamps come completely apart man...so you can wrap them around existing plumbing. It might seem tight now, but over time...It would make me nervous.

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Ok. I'll go to home depot and spend a buck. Better than getting water all over the fireplace!


I measured it and the tank is 24"x8"x12". This looked like good measurements because then I could fit any 24" kit on top. It happened that CSL has a 24" 65w SmartLite. I know I said it was 85W before and I was wrong:blush:

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