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Two False Percs in a Nano


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What are the advantages to having two clowns in a small nano.


Usually if there is one he is the center of attention and focus and he minds his own business doing what clowns do by themselves..


i want your opinions on whats its like having two percs, compared to just one. How is behavior different? In general, how does it compare to having just one clwon?

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You left out a lot of details. Do you have a FP in your tank already? How old is it? Has it been mated with another one previously? What size tank do you have? It's a bad idea to just wantonly throw a perc into a tank with another one just off the bat like that.


If you put two juvenile ones into a tank together then the dominant one will eventually turn male, the submissive one female eventually. If you throw a mature male into a tank with a fish that is already male then they'll fight. Are you any good at sexing clowns? Didn't think so, so forget that idea. Two females may also be likely to fight.


If you have a 7 bow as I did and change the water every week then the water quality is going to suffer it did in my tank. I had to separate them and put one by himself into the new 10 gallon I was setting up at the time. That tank could not support two fish.

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Originally posted by swordfish

You left out a lot of details. Do you have a FP in your tank already? How old is it? Has it been mated with another one previously? What size tank do you have? It's a bad idea to just wantonly throw a perc into a tank with another one just off the bat like that.  


 If you put two juvenile ones into a tank together then the dominant one will eventually turn male, the submissive one female eventually. If you throw a mature male into a tank with a fish that is already male then they'll fight.  Are you any good at sexing clowns? Didn't think so, so forget that idea. Two females may also be likely to fight.  


If you have a 7 bow as I did and change the water every week then the water quality is going to suffer it did in my tank. I had to separate them and put one by himself into the new 10 gallon I was setting up at the time. That tank could not support two fish.


i have a ten gallon tank and it is currently fishless. i had a false perc in there before so i kno what its like keeping a single clown. is there more joy to expect from getting two clowns since they can interact with each other?

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Many would agree that a pair a False Percs are much more interesting to watch than just one. I started off with a juvenile in a 7-gallon Mini-Bow; it eventually ended up spending most of the day under my filter overflow.


About 5 months later, I upgraded to a 15-gallon tank (which is about as small as I’d go for a pair) and added another fish. With the new tank, neither would recognize the space as their territory.


With clownfish, the females are the larger and more dominate fish. All of the juveniles start off male and the dominant one becomes female. If you leave a juvenile by himself, he will eventually become a she.


Given the above, I purchased another juvenile (that was smaller than my first which had grown in the 5 months that I had it by itself). I put the new fish in first so the bigger fish would think that it was the newcomer. The two fish where inseparable from the first minute they saw each other.


With the pair of fish, they swim around together and interact with each other all of the time. It’s much more interesting than having just one hang out under the overflow.


It’s been about a month since I added the second one and the smaller male is definitely showing its submissiveness to the larger female. It’s quite the site. I think it was worth the tank upgrade to support the second fish.

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Originally posted by swordfish

If you put two juvenile ones into a tank together then the dominant one will eventually turn male, the submissive one female eventually.  .



Swordfish, I could swear that the more dominant Clown fish turns into the FEMALE, and the more submissive one STAYS MALE.


All the clowns are males, and the more dominant clown of the group turns into the female.. The female inturn is the larger clown and the males are relatively smaller.:)

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Seabass has it right. If a clown is left alone it will turn into a female. If two are kept.... the dominant will turn female. If you have a group, one turns female, one turns male and the rest remain sexually immature. If the female dies, the male turns female and then the next dominant fish turns male. If two females are introduced to a tank they will more than likely kill the less dominant female.

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that was xxaquanutxx, not seabass.. lol


Originally posted by jasontatro

Seabass has it right.  If a clown is left alone it will turn into a female.  If two are kept.... the dominant will turn female.  If you have a group, one turns female, one turns male and the rest remain sexually immature.  If the female dies, the male turns female and then the next dominant fish turns male.  If two females are introduced to a tank they will more than likely kill the less dominant female.



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