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Coral Vue Hydros

hitchhiker crabs


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What is the best way to get hitchhiker crabs out of a tank without taking the live rock out. I tried basting it, but it dosnt have enough power. Tried scooping it out with a wooden spoon, but the damn thing hides under the rock. Any suggestions??

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A few of questions for ya....


- What kind-o-crab ya got?

- Why d'ya want him out?

- Can you not just crab him?


If he's a hermit, just grab him carefully. If he's a porcelain crab, DON'T grab him, lest he grab you first.

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well, i need to get out like 7 of them. Caught one munching on my new mushrooms. I dont have a digi camera so i cant post them. 2 are red, two are white, and three are red with white stripes. And i have an emerald, but i want to keep him...he likes to hang out with my pepperment shrimp in the same hole. one of the red ones is nickle size.


they are regular crabs, not hermets. the one i took out was black with yellow pinchers

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