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Cultivated Reef

is this too much in a 6gal?


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I have a 6gal nano tank with a 10 gal sump and a protein skimmer.


I have:


Bubble coral




Marble star

Bubble-tip anemone

Maroon clown

Blue shrooms

Maxima clam

Flower polyps

Deco crab

Peppermint shrimp

Fridmani Dotty back (which is hiding)



My system seems to be very stable and all the animals are doing well


I have 3 x 13W lights and have some plans to add maybe one or 2 more lights to the hood


I was thinking of adding a few more corals...I was even thinking of some hardy SPS...too difficult?

The Maxima is doing pretty well. It's been 2 weeks with no discoloration...


any suggestions?


I am thinking of a nice bright yellow tubinaria, some orange sun polyps for the mini cave in the middle, some zooanthids, and maybe a couple hardy SPS





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wow!1 Look at all that coralline growth on the glass! I've got a 4 month old Eclipse 6 gallon and I only have 4 tiny spots of coralline on the glass. I like where you have your bubble coral. Yours seems to be about the same size as mine, mine's sititng on the sandbed and is growing quicly. Love those blue mushrooms, got some of those too. Have you had any problems with sweepers on the bubble, hammer or frogspawn? I'm hesitant to place anything to close together.


Looks good!

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this tank is over a year old...I started with very few animals...

tried harder ones...


had a big crash in '02...now I am back


yeah I am having trouble with placing the frog spawn away from everything else...I like the hammers location...


what isn't obvious from the picture is that the FS is jutting out towards the front of the tank and isn't in contact with the hammer...yet...I may have to do some adjustments...



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ummm I am pretty positive it is a maroon gold stripe clown

I've had one before and grew to be about 2 inches


the fish store I use let me trade in the big one for a little one...no charge...

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I guess as long as you keep doing that there won't be any problems. Just know that maroon gold stripe clowns do get up to three times that size. I know of two that are about 7 inches each.

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yeah I've seen some...they grow to be big ugly brutes...

I traded the big one cuz it was picking on the fridmani...


I could see a little scarring on the fridmani...and that fish was too expensive to be picked on


plus I think the small clown fit perfect in the tiny nano...he's got pleanty of space to patrol...the bigger fish looked trapped


well no one has said otherwise in terms of not adding more coral...

I'll probably see how the tank is in 3 weeks and then maybe add a few more animals



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