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Nova TV show about calerapa


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Anyone catch the TV show Nova tonight? They had a special on calerapa and how it's taking over the oceans around greece and have been spotted in near the great barrier reef and california. They do not know where it came from but it's the same type as aquariums use and they are saying we introduced it.


Go check out the NOVA website. It's worth the time.




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Nasty crap.


There is a decent few mentions on this (nano) site about it, and I recently was reading som good info off of google on it.


Problem is that once introduced (by reef'tards) in an environment that it can take off in, it will become a weed and over take EVERYTHING and be very delitorious to the eco systems. All due to carelessness.


Same thing with Boats in lakes and stuff... people don't wash the intercoolers out, or the scull off a boat from a fishing hole, and then they introduce plants and bacteria or other stuff into places that didn't have it before.... BLAMO !


environmental nightmare.


Eg: cane field toads

Chaca Chaca and Snakeheads in Maryland water ways,

Lamprey EELs in Lake Michigan - Erie

not to mention countless species of plants we keep....


its all FUBAR, and we have ourselves to thank.


Next time you see someone doing somthing stupid... point it out to them.... if they get ####ed and tell you to MYOB, laugh and flip them off... call them a ECO (or reef if its marine related)'tard, and laugh at their stupidity while walking away muttering Stupid SOaB under yer breath... It feels great !







They are ruining your world too.

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