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nc6 Members only price - $79.99


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Sorry if anyone was confused about the members only price on the nanocube 6.


Because I have agreed with JBJ to keep my prices at MSRP of 89.99. (There is an "online" minimum price) I had to institute the use of a coupon or redemption code in order to sell them at 79.99.


My current commerce system has been setup and running, but not capable of coupons, so I had to load the nanocube 6g on my DIY site, nanotuners.com


go to:




and enter coupon code:



Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience.



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  • 2 weeks later...

its come to my attention that for some reason the coupon code is no longer working.


I have dropped the price to 79.99 unti June 30 (or whenever JBJ or other vendors get on my case, where i will reinstitute the coupon).



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