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Peppermint eating my ric


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I have seen my peppermint twice now RIPPING away on my ric. It looks like he it doing more than just picking and cleaning it but rather trying to shread the poor new ric. Anyone else ever have this problem? I have now starting using my turkey baster to blow flake at him but he did it again even after feeding him directly. I am the only person to have an ####### peppermint shrimp that eats my new ric?

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I had a peppermint actually rip the tentacles off my healthy RBTA. Some people will tell you that a peppermint will only eat things that are dead, but not true. The cure to my problem was easy, I got a clownfish to protect the RBTA.

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mine was shredding my fuzzy mushroom like you are describing, pretty awful to watch...i added a pair of clowns a week later and the dominant one ended up killing the shrimp while he was shedding - fixed that problem

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Peps are not usually sold as the individuals that they are... some wont eat aiptasia period, others always will, and others will when they are young only.


Some destroy polyps, some leave everything alone. You're always taking a chance with them.

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Usually people confuse camel shrimp and peppermint shrimp. I have never heard of a peppermint shrimp eating coral. Camel shrimp on the other hand are known to eat a lot of corals.

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If you have a WILD CAUGHT pepermint shrimp and not a TANK RAISED pep. shrimp they will eat rics, hairy shrooms, small anemones and what have you. Their natural diet consits of small pest anemones soley. So this would be an explination if they are tearing at them and picking at the bulbous tents on them. The tank raised peps do not usualy eat aptasia they rely on flake and frozen food left overs to hit the bottom and virtually have no idea what an anemone taste's like.

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