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Coral Vue Hydros

My new Pom Pom Crab


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i want an anemone crab too. has he put down his anomones yet? i heard they do that and sometimes one floats away and they scurry to catch it lol

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Thanks for looking, yes they are reef safe and no I have not seen him drop his anemones yet. I heard that they would drop them sometimes when they molt. It would be funny to watch it scurry after its gloves :D


I got lucky I was researching different crabs to put in my tank and I came across the Pom Pom crab on a site a decided I wanted one. I called my LFS and they just got 3 in like 2 days ago they said they have not had any others for quite some time. He cost me 20 bucks which is less then the site had it for :) I guess it was meant to be.

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Be very care ful they tend to get picked on by lots of the critters in your tank xD depending on the size just be sure keep a sharp eye on him =) and watch out for those pom poms ... xD can screw your tank if they attach

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Thanks for looking; I agree this is one of the neatest crabs I could find. Only problem is he spends most of the day hidden so I don't see him much.


I just noticed this today; I think he is missing several legs. It looks like he only has 2 sets of legs and then his claws. I think they should have 4 sets of legs but I'm not 100% on that. He came this way, if he is missing legs will he grow the others back or is he stuck with 4 legs and not 8.

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That is seriously one of the coolest animals I've ever seen! Crabs are definitely decapods (ten-legged), so he probably is missing a few limbs :(


Viking1 --

Please let us know how they do in your 5.5 - if well, I'll for sure consider one for mine!


Domino_tang --

I was going to ask what "xD" was and why I should be worried about it, but I just figured it out X).

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Good new, every one I have talked to has said he should grow back the missing appendages :D I guess after a few molts he will start to get them back. Does anyone know how long between molts most crabs go?


I was worried about the poor little guy he seemed to have a little trouble moving around on only 4 legs or at least had trouble carrying something and moving at the same time:| Does anyone have any suggestions on some extra food I could give him to make sure he is getting enough to eat. I was thinking just some frozen shrimp.

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davinaster, I live in KC and we had a bad ice storm so my LFS didn't get their orders in but when I get it I will start a new thread on my tank and keep everyone posted.

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just wondering how much you guys found that species of crab for. I got one for $12 retail at a pet store that mis ID'd it. I thought that was a great price. Just wondering what everyone else has seen them sold for.


nice pics BTW.

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Glad everyone likes the pom pom crab, the only downside to having him is he is very shy. I have had times were I don't see him for days at a time. I think he has made a home in a big hole in some LR. It's funny, he will be in the hole and a hermit will wonder by and the pom pom runs up to the hole opening, shakes his pom poms and freaks the hermit out:D


I payed 20 bucks at my LFS for my pom pom


Six -- Thanks about the pics, I'm trying to get more but he is to shy.

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Bad news, my Pom Pom molted and it looks like he lost 2 more legs some how. I don't know if a hermit attacked him but I saw him molting last night and today I found him missing more legs. He is down to 2 legs and his claws, which he holds his pom poms in. I'm not sure if he will make it, does anyone have experience with something like this happening. I made a small plastic tub into an isolation container and am going to try to keep him alive until he can molt again and maybe he can re-grow the missing legs.

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He did like the big piece of formula one food I gave him:) I put it in front of him and he went to town on it. At least he is eating; it looks like I am going to have to hand feed him until he regenerates some legs. He has a real hard time moving around on 2 legs hopefully I can keep him alive until he can regenerate some appendages. Here’s to hoping.

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