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Since I like to add to threads, this one simply entitled : SALT lolz was a good choice.



In a PM glazer wrote:

Hey Dave.... didn't think this warranted a public discussion and will take your advice as from what I have gleened I think you prolly have more um, time spent with this salt than most here.


....'ol Mr. MDP was kind enough to send me a bag (and some other goodies) to try out. Question is... would you just work it into the system with your water changes(I'm doing a gal a week currently) or do a bigger W/C initially. 13 gallons in my setup in total and is IO salt, nothing but rock, couple of SPS frags that were in bad shape and a clown goby. The fish is more my concern, don't want to stress him out. Searches aren't really telling me anything.

Swap out old salt fer new? any recs?






Thought this would be a good thread to mention this in since it is basic yet over looked information.

You can not simply "change brands" as animals and plants are used to a certain captive environment concentration of ions and trace elements.


Work new salts in as a 1/3rd bio sea to 2/3rd IO for the first week , then do another small W/c in the middle of the week at same ratio. wait a week, then do 2/3rds Bio 1/3rd IO and then a week later, do 2 small 90 % Bio sea salt and 10 % IO normal W/c... after a month, you should be good to go straight Bio. I have in some tanks, swapped over within 2 days because the tanks responded so well to the different salt. Although I DID lose 2 corals in one of my tanks (I still don't know why) but it did coincide with swapping the Bio into the tank. and the rapid speed at which i did it ( CLARIFICATION: it was an emergency W/C since an un know source of ammonia was found later to be a DEAD FISH)


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Great Post Dave!


Actually, the day I asked that, I was switching from IO to RedSea...I currently run Redsea for a few water changes but I will be using IO again. I know this is prolly very bad of me.:( but it was kinda an emergency, since my float switch got stuck on my auto top off causing my salinty to drop, real low! None of my corals are closing up.


Alto, my gsp have started closing up once I added my 65W 03. I had originally had 1-55W 03, 1-55W 67K and 1-65W 8800K, now I also have those plus the 65W 03. And the only other thing I changed was I added a check valve to the outlet of my pump so that I could lower my lock-line returns. So now my returns are lower and are blowing more direct on my corals!


Any suggestions!

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Originally posted by MacnReef

Great Post Dave!


Actually, the day I asked that, I was switching from IO to RedSea...I currently run Redsea for a few water changes but I will be using IO again.  I know this is prolly very bad of me.:(  but it was kinda an emergency, since my float switch got stuck on my auto top off causing my salinty to drop, real low!  None of my corals are closing up.




PS.... yer drooling again.

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