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Coral Vue Hydros

Catilina 2.7 setup


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Catilina has a 2.7 2.7 gallon tank. It comes with 2 13 watt bulb hood a thermometer and hob filter...that ill probably replace. Thats 10 watts per gallon which is not bad sicne is just want softies? this is the link:




I need to order my tank by monday for timing reasons and after a lot of research am still not sure what to do. Im thinking anything from jbj 6, cpr 3 or 6 to this tank. Also if there is a step by step guide, like steelhairs guide for jbj 24 g dx for setting up a 2.5 minibow, can someone let me know where i can find it?

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just ordered one, any mods you would make to one?


i dunno, but i want one so bad. I think i'd leave it the way it is. I have a 30g with a sump underneith, and its just not worth it unless you have a BIG tank. I really want to try a HOB to keep it simple, and microbubble-less, lol. I 'm going to put it in my bedroom, and it just to display..

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I have a 20 gallon with just a penguin 125 HOB filter (no bio wheel). I change the filter pad and do a 2 gallon water change once every 2 weeks. Everything is fine. I only have 2 fish, a ocellaris clown and firefish. I'm real happy with the setup. Very easy to take care of.



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Thanks, any ideas what HOB you would put on? Also, I dont know much about how to work lighting fixtures, if you look at the picture of the hood, is there any way i could put moon lights led in there?

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Do you have a link as to where i could buy this fixture? This would have to be a replacement to the hood that comes with the tank right? There is no way using the two togethor? I know a good amount about caring about a reef, not much about the lighting and mechanics. I am trying to learn though, any information would be very much appreciated.

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The only thing about the current 2x18 watt light is I have seen it on sites for around $80. Thats alot of money for a little light. I dont know if you dont have the space but I think you would be better off to get a 10 gallon aquarium and get the 20" 40 watt light. Would give you more room. I have a 24" 65 watt current satelite light that I use to have over a 10 gallon. The fixture hangs off the top 2 in" on each side but the bulb covers the entire tank. Looks pretty good. I then switched to a 20 gallon, used the same light. The upgraded to a 130 watt light.



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The 18watt Current USA Satellite fixture is around $44.00. You can buy them at Marinedepot or Nanotuners. For an hob filter I recommend an AquaClear.

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