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MrMofo 20H gal


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here are some pics of my 20H gal let me know what you think!




42lbs LR

20 pr 30 lbs of LS (cant remember how much)

AC500 fuge DIY

AquaC Remora skimmer

MJ1200 with the rotating difuser


Orbit lights 2x65w

1 True clown

1 yellow watchman goby

1 Flame Angel (small one he will be moved out when he gets to big)



yellow polyps


orange polyps dont remember what they are called.... maybe u can help me with this hehehe

brown button polyps


enjoy my photos!























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thank you! :) its fairly new about 4 months old everything in the tank is from my other tanks i used to have 12gal NCdx and a 10gal i finally decided to put everything into one tank hehehe


I love my yellow polyps when the flow rotater makes it around and changes the current in my tank its looks awsome because they get blown around then back to thier original position very fun to watch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

how did you setup you maxi-jets, it's hard to tell form the picture, look nice though :). I have a 20h and have no idead where to put my maxi 1200 or which way to point it, ect...

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I have the MJ1200 on the left side of tank with the rotating nozzle (which i highly recommend) and on the right side I have a MJ600, both powerheads are pointing towards the middle of my tank, The MJ1200 basically controls all the flow in the tank and overpowers the MJ600 when they cross flow paths but with the rotating nozzle when the flow paths of the MJ1200 and MJ600 are not crossing the MJ600 helps make a nice wave like motion in the tank...and i love watching it do this.


Also i have moved my rocks around a little bit to make a better flow pattern in the tank and open up the front of the tank for easier cleaning ;)


I know this is clear as mud so please let me know if i can help further explain anything i mentioned above. :happy:

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I've got a 20H too with a MJ1200 I think I'm going to make a spray bar out of cpvc and see how that works. Mine seems to have spots where it's too much current so it blows substrate sometimes.


As for coral suggestions....I'd do some LPS like candycane or hammer coral. I like LPS more then shrooms or zoos though so my suggestion may be a little bias.

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yah its a hydro flow and i got it at my LFS it was 13 bucks.


Yes i have the same problem with the MJ1200 blowing the sand around a little bit but i ended up placing some smaller bits of LR there and it helps control the sand being blown around.


I need to get some more pics of the new rock layout maybe i will do that when i get home today.

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so what would the benefits of the hydro flo be?


i love my 20h so much but i'm having some trouble w/it right now, i found a large, hitchhiking, evil crab that i am hunting, i have a big diatom bloom, and i am having trouble finging a reliable source of RO water. Wow, I'm glad I have that off my chest.


By the way, get some hammers and torches, they are the most gangster corals in existance!

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the hydro flow allows your tank to have a variety of low patterns and keeps from having a linear flow in the tank....if that makes any sence its early and i am not thinking straight yet :wacko: and yes i need to go look at some more corals i will probably go look this weekend and see what the local LFS have. B)

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Looking Good MRMOFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Im trying a colony of SPS on very top of rocks right now-- hope light and water quality works out



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beautiful hammers! glad you went with them. I can't wait until i get mine :)! Btw, my hydor flo should arrive tomorrow, i hope it works well.

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im glad i got the hammer :) thanks for the suggestion i lucked out when i got to the LFS he had already sold one :o and this was the last one


Hi Duke13


I love my hydro Flow very glad i made the purchase. I hope others find it as usefull as i have. :)

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hopefully i can post the pics of what the hammer looks like under my actinics :) the actinics really bring out the green in the hammer coral

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I have to say I'm not happy with my hydor flo :( . It turns slow (i guess its suppossed to do this) and cuts the gph in half. It's not worth it, the standard attachment works much better. The algea build up today was out of this world. If anyone wants mine, maybe we can work something out...

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it does cut down the gph and yes it does turn slow as intended... but i have a MJ1200 and MJ600 and its plenty of flow for the tank no stale spots in the tank..:( sorry you dont like yours but i love mine i would give it a chance maybe add another PH :) because my corals love the flow varriation. The reasons i got the Hydro flow was to reduce the flow from my MJ1200 and to mix up the flow pattern.


Do you have any other powerheads in the tank?


What kind of powerhead did you but the hydro flow on?

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