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Xenon's Fluval Edge 6G build thread with pics


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I have been in and out of the hobby for years and every time I get back into it, my tanks keep getting smaller and smaller! This time I decided to get a Fluval Edge because I loved the modern/minimalistic design. I also like that you can view everything from the top.


The light fixture on my tank is from a 12G Fluval Edge. It has 42 LED lights with 3 of them being moonlights. I have been told its only 6watts total lightning power so this will be something I will need to replace soon.


I was not that impressed with the flow from the AC20 so I decided to take it out and replace it with a Vortech MP10ESW. Flow is no longer an issue. :)


I currently have a true perc and fire shrimp in quarantine while I wait for the tank to cycle. I added 10lb of Caribsea live sand with a mixture of dryrock and cured liverock so I don't expect the cycle to last very long.



























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Another OVAS member. It's Adam, although I doubt we have met. I remember your 90 gallon with the 40 breeder sump. Very clean build.

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Another OVAS member. It's Adam, although I doubt we have met. I remember your 90 gallon with the 40 breeder sump. Very clean build.


Yep, that's me!


I built that system in 2007. I am surprised you still remember it. :)


Fun times.

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What're you looking to replace your lights with?


I am still researching it. I want to make sure it fits comfortably under the stock hood.

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nice tank what do you plan to keep


I have a true perc and fire shrimp in QT. I will be getting a jawfish. Not sure if it will be a pearly yellowhead or bluespot.


I am still looking for an active swimming fish that will be happy in a 6G tank.

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I have a Ebi, Edge 6 (old) and new Edge 12. I saw a nano salt water tank 10g at the LFS and admired its beauty.


I'd like to try a salt nano tank.


Very interested in what you do to this EDGE!

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Still working on the aquascaping. We are not completely happy with it yet.




This is my makeshift quarantine tank. I refuse to have multiple tank syndrome. lol



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I spent more time on aquascaping. It's challenging because of the light fixture position so I am pretty limited to what I can do for coral placement. It's a mixture of dryrock and live rock so its going to look terrible until they are covered in coraline.











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Love the scape... how is inside that tank when the MP10 is going?


At the lowest setting (200gph) its perfect. I can increase the flow a little more but it starts to disturb the sand.


When you do the math, that's 33X turnover so its more than enough.

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Are you going to rely on any mechanical filtration or just water changes?


My goal is to keep this tank as simple as possible so I wont have any mechanical filtration, just water changes.

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My goal is to keep this tank as simple as possible so I wont have any mechanical filtration, just water changes.


Wow it sure looks cleaner without the AC20

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You just convinced me to remove my ac20 today just use powerheads and water changes.


I will only be keeping a fish and a few inverts.


I also plan on only keeping macros(which should help with nurtients.)

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Hmm ive debated taking out my AC20 too I only have floss in it and I do weekly 20% changes...I used to use cemi-pure elite but its become pointless with my WCs

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I picked up 6 more frags today but its not worth taking pics because the lighting they are under does not do them any justice.


I am using my studio lights while they sit in QT. I figured a few people might get a good laugh. :)



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Hmm, I've considered taking the HOB filter out of my Edge 12g. Do you think there's enough flow with your powerhead for good oxygen exchange in the water? I have a Koralia 425. Sorry if that's a dumb question. I'm a newbie still!

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