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Jmifland's Pico - Dymax IQ3


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I have recently purchased the Dymax IQ3 when I was inspired by Tylernt's Dymax IQ3 thread. I am currently in the process of setting everything up but hopefully I should be starting the cycle this Wednesday (December 14, 2011). I plan on using this pico aquarium for my nightstand.


Current Equipment:

Dymax IQ3

Dymax IQ3 Stock Power Head

Dymax IQ3 Lid

Dymax Robot LED (2)


Future Equipment:

Minijet 404 Powerhead

50W Hydor THEO heater


I plan to create a zoanthid garden once the tank has been properly cycled. I have always been intrigued by zoanthids and I think it could be really neat to have an entire rock covered in different color variations of zoanthid species. I may also add a Yellow Clown Goby once the tank has been established and parameters are maintained at the ideal level for fish and corals. I will also be adding a few snails to the tank to help clean up as well as a blue legged hermit. I find their behavior to be very comical and would be fun to watch while I am laying in bed.


Current Modification:

I have currently modified one of the Dymax Robot LED lights into a refugium light. I have removed it from the controller and got rid of the metal tubing that covered the wire. I will need the cable to be a bit longer so that I don't have to have the controller attached to the side of the tank. Once I have extended the fire I will be attaching it back to the controller so that I can dim down the light so as to not burn it out and to not burn the Chaeto I plan to use for controlling the pH balance.


Picture of the current modifications are below:


This is the picture of the light modded so that It will sit flush on top of the refugium chamber.



The following two pictures are of the actual modifications that were done.





Here are two pictures (Day Lighting and Night Lighting) of what the aquarium looks like as of right now. Thanks to BRS (Bulk Reef Supply) for the perfect 2lb base rock that was sent. I will be removing the Zoanthids from their plugs so hopefully I won't need to remove any of the rock.


Day Light:



Night Light:



Please let me know what you think of the tank and if you have any suggestions for me. I currently run a marine aquarium in a Fluval Edge but I am building my own tank that will be 20'x20'x20' rimless aquarium with a sump soon. Just waiting for the glass to be cut so that it can be built. The Fluval Edge is a nice tank but can be troublesome when you are doing maintenance.

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This is going to be great, love the fuge light mod. Even with just zoas you might need a light upgrade at some point, but I am sure this will be just fine for a few months.


Keep the updates coming!

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This is going to be great, love the fuge light mod. Even with just zoas you might need a light upgrade at some point, but I am sure this will be just fine for a few months.


Keep the updates coming!


I was thinking about going with the par30 bulb and lamp from BoostLED. The only problem is that I don't know which variation would be best for the tank or if I should get the 40 or 60 degree bulb. More updated will be coming on Wednesday when my shipment comes in.

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Here are some updates as of today. I randomly got the idea to use the AI Nano Super Blue that I purchased for the tank that I am building. I figured the light was extremely strong and that I would tone down the intensity by a lot since the tank is so small. Here are some day and night pictures.



White = 5%

Royal Blue = 10%

Blue = 10%





White = 0%

Royal Blue = 1%

Blue = 1%




I am really liking how it looks. Do you think that even with the intensity set that low it would burn corals or have any devastating effects on the tank? Right now the AI Nano Super Blue is sitting on top of the lid but I think that I may lift it an inch or less off the lid with a custom built arm.

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Here are some updates as of today. I randomly got the idea to use the AI Nano Super Blue that I purchased for the tank that I am building. I figured the light was extremely strong and that I would tone down the intensity by a lot since the tank is so small. Here are some day and night pictures.



White = 5%

Royal Blue = 10%

Blue = 10%





White = 0%

Royal Blue = 1%

Blue = 1%




I am really liking how it looks. Do you think that even with the intensity set that low it would burn corals or have any devastating effects on the tank? Right now the AI Nano Super Blue is sitting on top of the lid but I think that I may lift it an inch or less off the lid with a custom built arm.


I would lift it about 4ish or so inches off the top and still keep the same intensity you have. Introduce your zoos and see how they like it. Looks Great! You said that you might be upgradeing to a large tank... What is it and what are your plans for it?

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nice job, cant wait to see her stocked!


Thanks! I get the rest of the equipment on Wednesday so once I have everything set up I will then be starting the cycle. The rock I have is not cured live rock so the cycle may take longer but I was also reading that the rock does come with organisms on it so it may still help with the cycle. I will definitely be updating the thread as soon as updates become available.


The upgrade isn't from this tank but from the Fluval Edge I am currently running. This tank is going to be for the night stand in my apartment. Hopefully the girlfriend doesn't mind the night lights being on until 10:30pm. I was unable to sleep because even the 1% intensity was getting to me but I am a person who has to sleep in complete darkness. The tank that I am building is a 21-24" cube. I am still waiting for the glass to be cut so it is still in the early stages. Once I have enough information I will be creating a thread for that tank as well.


During the cycle I am going to leave the light like this because it shouldn't harm anything in the tank. That also gives me some time to think up of a good idea for how/what to hang the AI Nano on that is cheap in case I turn away from using it. I am really liking the light and I think that the zoanthids are going to love it. If not I can always go with a par30 but I really like that I have the ability to easily change the intensity and keep the sunset/sunrise effects.


Feel free to leave your input.

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I set up everything yesterday after work. After messing with a few things I was too tired to take pictures or post anything. I ended up not needing the heater because the water was running about 76 degrees after about an hour of operation. I then removed the heater so now there will be no issue with room for the chaeto once I purchase the clean up crew. I ended up adding 50% of the water from my already established aquarium and the other 50% was fresh saltwater that had been mixed the day before and had a power head shifting the water around for 24 hours.


I came home this evening and noticed that the tank was reading 80 degrees but the Florida Orange Ricordea (Rodney) that I placed in the tank was doing just fine. I did put two mechanical pencils underneath the AI Nano Super Blue so that more air could flow around it since it was originally sitting right on top of the lid. Once I get back from vacation next week I will be making a DIY hanger for the AI Nano Super Blue. Hopefully it won't be too difficult since I currently plan on just using some PVC.


I also added a shrimp yesterday to get the cycle started but took it out today because of the following readings:


Ammonia: 2.0 ppm

Nitrite: 0.50 ppm

Nitrate: 0 ppm


Rodney appears to be doing perfectly fine. He continues to stay open and has looked better than ever. I just hope that the Zoanthids that I purchased will be okay with the same amount of light as Rodney. Here are a few pictures of the Blue/Royal Blue LEDs on with Rodney chillin like a villian.


I also attempted my first fragmentation of a Zoanthid. I used some super glue gel and glued it to a hermit crab shell. I didn't really expect it to survive but it doesn't look dead. It hasn't opened yet but I will give it some time. Might be kind of cool once I add the blue legged hermit crab and he takes over the shell and runs around with a zoanthid on it. He probably won't get much light but it could be cool if it works.


The first two pictures are attempts at taking some macro pictures by using a magnifying glass. Looks nice but not as good as it could be. The last picture will be a full tank shot with the zoanthid located at the bottom left on top of the white hermit shell.








I ordered the following Zoanthids from 'philyouraquarium.com' and they will be going into my main display until everything is in perfect condition in the new pico, I can't wait for the Zoa garden project to start.



Eagle Eyes

Fire and Ice

Purple Stingers


They should all look really nice under the LEDs.

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The Zoanthid made it through the night and was fully exposed this morning when the light came on (my alarm of sorts, goes off after I leave). He looks to be in good condition. I dub him Gregory and I shall check up on him tonight and take a picture. I don't even know what kind of Zoanthid he is. I just know that he is a bright red under blue LEDs but with the 50/50 look they are orange. Got it a Frights and Frags in Orlando.

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Here is the picture of the Zoanthid that I successfully fragged. If you are able to identify what this is please let me know. I don't think it is anything special but you never know.




Here is another picture of the Florida Orange Ricordea with the day lights on.



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Looks like the zoas I have in my IQ3. Mine started out like that, but under my LEDs the gray middles turned green after several weeks.


Not sure if they have an official name.

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Looks like the zoas I have in my IQ3. Mine started out like that, but under my LEDs the gray middles turned green after several weeks.


Not sure if they have an official name.


I have had them for awhile now. In my main display they are under a 14 inch power compact 50/50 fixture and they remain the same grayish orange in the center. I have also had them under the AI Nano Super Blue in the main display with variations of intensity and they have remained the same. That would be really cool if they turned green in the middle. Would remind me of a pumpkin.


My Florida Orange Ricordea just opened up his mouth a some orange slivers of something came out. Is that waste or is he stressed out? He looks brighter than ever and remains open and bubbly. He looks to have gained more color as well.

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I have been looking into fish that would go well in this aquarium. I was originally looking into a Yellow Clown Goby but I was reading that they can nip at Zoas and that there is a good chance they will eat new forming heads. Then I was looking into the Red Spot Goby which only gets an inch long. It says that they do well in pairs or small groups. Would I be able to keep two Red Spot Gobies in this tank or would one be okay to keep?

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wow looking really awesome man. keep it up

Thank you! I just bought a frag of Magician Zoanthids but was unable to get a picture of it fully extended. Hopefully I can get get some good pictures tomorrow after work. I am also getting my Zoanthid shipment on Tuesday so hopefully I can frag a few polyps into the tank before I leave for vacation. Waiting for the DFS (Distant Fish Store) to get some Red Spotted Gobies in stock.


Btw: 'Sea in the City' is a great store to visit if you are in the Orlando area. Beautiful fish, inverts and corals. They also have very knowledgable staff and definitely made me feel at home.


Need to find some better LFS in Tampa.

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While on my vacation in Orlando I picked up this gorgeous Magician Paly. It has opened up and looks gorgeous.




I really need to invest in a macro lens for the camera that I got for my girl friend. I was supposed to get my shipment of corals from 'philyouraquarium.com' but they were unable to get it out today for me to receive it tomorrow. I was told they are going to send it out tomorrow and I should get it on Wednesday. Phil contacted me and said that they would add a bonus coral to the shipment for the inconvenience. I will now be receiving the following on Wednesday:


Eagle Eye Zoas

Purple Stinger Zoas

Fire and Ice Zoas

Mohawk Zoas *Bonus*


I am really excited and some of those may be palys but I'm not sure how to tell the difference.


~ Phil is an awesome guy and I encourage you to check out his site! **philyouraquarium.com** ~

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Here are the four new Zoanthids I picked up from 'philyouraquarium.com'




They are in my larger tank until I get back from vacation to frag a few off and put into the pico tank. I also have a PAR30 lamp and bulb coming soon that I ordered from BoostLED. Hopefully I can get that soon and set it up on the tank so I won't have to constantly move the AI Nano Super Blue when I want to do something in or around the tank. I also bought a 10W Halogen Underwater Fountain Light to light the chaeto in the back. That way I won't have to deal with the Robot LED any longer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I received the Boost LED light and had to make some changes. I was unable to use the refugium light that I customized for the tank because the fixture was only able to be attached to the wall of the main chamber. I also added the ATO unit to the tank and it has been working wonderfully. There is also a 10W light in the main chamber that is illuminating the chaeto that I received a couple days ago. Here is a picture of the top of the tank with all the equipment.




The cycle has completed and both the Magician and the Florida Orange Ricordea did fine through the cycle. The rock that was once white with some pink/red dots (dried coralline) have now turned a bright green and brown color and are starting to create bubbles. I have ordered the clean up crew and it should be arriving sometime this coming week. Once they have done some cleaning I will then be adding some more zoanthids/palythoas to the rock to start letting them grow out a bit. I also purchased the Yellow Clown Goby who is going to be going in the tank. He has become really good friends with my cleaner shrimp and often swims around with my two baby percula clowns. I almost feel bad taking him away from them but i will be replacing him with another friend for the shrimp and clown soon. Here are some updated pictures.


Full Tank Shot:



Close-up of the algae:



Sheena the Magician Palythoa:



Rodney the Florida Orange Ricordea (My first coral):


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Rodney is pretty cool ... but Sheena is gorgeous!

I agree! Which is why I named it after my girlfriend. I also just got a cluster of green people eaters. I am unsure what exactly they are but they do have a green mouth and have the same glittery look like the magicians. I will be adding them into the tank soon. Want to clear the rocks of algae before adding anything to the tank.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Loving the tank. any new updates?

I decided not to add anything else into the tank until after my move. Right now I can lower the tank level and transport it easily but if I frag more Zoas into it they would need to be higher on the rock. I'm figured it would also be easier to put the Yellow Clown Goby in after the move. New updates in about a month :X

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  • 2 weeks later...


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