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Coral Vue Hydros



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I Seen alot of cubes have gone rimless and I was really interested in the idea but very scared of the consequences,So i finally worked up the nerve. Took a few pointers from this site so I decided to go ahead and try it,it actually came out good.It only took me roughly 3 hrs,yes it sucked somethin serious,everyone who has done this made it seem so easy,but it really was not.I was a nervous wreck the entire time,i was just scared of making that fatal error :(

The key was removing the silicone from the trim,then the trim from the tank.I was very gentile and careful,what i did first was made a cut-out of the shape of the original lid from the plastic you use for covering up your windows in the winter.Placed it in the water so it acted as a pool cover to cover the inner surface of water from pieces of plastic being cut.Turned everything off except the heater,used a dremmel drill to cut the trim in 5 pieces,2 on the left side,2 on the right side and one in the middle,completed the cuts,ran a razor along the inner trim to release the trim from the acyrlic.Gentily rock the trim back and forth to carefully pry away from the tank.

Be especially careful around the edges,Now the fun part,removing the tube's,yes tube's of black silicone.Theres alot of silicone underneath the trim,at least with my cube there was.I used a double edged razor snapped in half to scrape the he@# out of the actual rim of the tank.Thats what made the process so long,surprisingly no scratches were apparent after the ordeal.

However,i still need to remove a slight residue left behind from the silicone used.any ideas on that would be great.it does look impressing but like i stated theres a light residue that still needs to be removed,and the first cuts i made need to be cut again so they look cleaner,ill do that tomorrow,My back is in pain from this situation today.All in all a great outcome,thought id shared my highlight of the day.any positive advice or comments welcome.



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Looks good, i plan on doing this here in a week, on my bc14, hoping i can take it all off in one piece




that sounds dangerous,that dude bubba17311 cut his in 3 places,i cut mine in 5,i think my way was safer in my opinion,when your releasing the trim from the tank,theres alot of tension that builds up,what i mean is the plastic you are prying away is pinching the inner rim of the glass which is not good,also a good key ingredient is to slice the silicone real good from inside of the tank and under the trim itself.good luck,they use alot of silicone and its very stubborn to completely remove.you just need patience and nerves of steel :)

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I took my rim off the other night too. Cut mine in two pieces. To get all the silicone residue off I used a fresh razor blade and just scraped at different angles. Took a while, but I ended up getting most of it off. Couldn't be happier with how it looks.

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I took my rim off the other night too. Cut mine in two pieces. To get all the silicone residue off I used a fresh razor blade and just scraped at different angles. Took a while, but I ended up getting most of it off. Couldn't be happier with how it looks.

did you cut on the sides and then one cut in the center front or what?

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  • 3 weeks later...

dang, that looks crazy good. I would just be afraid that the already thin glass is going to become even more weak. one bump in the wrong spot and its all over

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
Looks good, i plan on doing this here in a week, on my bc14, hoping i can take it all off in one piece

Good luck with it. I got my rim off in one peice on my 14. Wasn't too hard just took patience and a steady hand. Also keep your ears open for any small cracking or stress noises.

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  • 3 months later...

i did end up selling it a while back,i kinda miss the tank and regret selling it actually,oh well,back to the drawing board,i will return with a new thread on my new 10 gallon rimless coming soon.thx again for all the nice comments.


i did end up selling it a while back,i really miss the tank,i regret selling it actually,oh well,back to the drawing board,i will return with a new thread on my new 10 gallon rimless coming soon.thx again for all the nice comments.
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  • 5 weeks later...


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