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Orange Spot Filefish....


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Prior to lunch......




After a feed of finely chopped mysis, brineshimp and Rod's Food. Check out the belly bulge.



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It just started eating this well. Her weight should go up from here. It was a long hard month converting her.

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I'm going to look for a male that is fat fresh from the wholesalers. The last was a little skinny to begin with. Hopefully in the future these will be available CB because of the different people that are starting to try.

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Sorry to hear you lost the male and hope you have success acquiring a healthy male. How cool would it be to get CB of these?


Not to get off topic, but my LFS got a shipment of ORA fish and corals and I was surprised to see some of their Yellow Assessors. Apparently ORA is breeding them again. This is great news because, for a once, the CB are actually cheaper than the WC ones! BTW, I picked one up for my tank. ;)

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Good luck try to keep them. If you haven't already, check marinebreeder.org for care help. The site admin there (mark pederson?) is trying to breed them.

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you do know they eat sps. that is their diet

You do know that you are behind the times and that peeps have now kept them for over a year in the absence of corals. Umm... we've also successfully bred them... without the presence of SPS. They are evidently NOT obligate SPS consumers like everyone originally thought. They are quite sustainable on prepared foods. I just converted one of the "impossibles" over to frozen food... at least give me a little credit that I've done my research and I know what I'm up against to have accomplished such a task.



Good luck try to keep them. If you haven't already, check marinebreeder.org for care help. The site admin there (mark pederson?) is trying to breed them.


Ya, I've been closely monitoring others threads. They've been a great source of help. Anything ya read, keep pointing it my way :-)


Not to get off topic, but my LFS got a shipment of ORA fish and corals and I was surprised to see some of their Yellow Assessors. Apparently ORA is breeding them again. This is great news because, for a once, the CB are actually cheaper than the WC ones! BTW, I picked one up for my tank. ;)


I am SO ticked. They are super cheap right now and I have always planned on a harem of them. I just said so about a month ago in another thread. But I absolutely don't have a QT set up right now for them. I have way too many QTs on the go. Really bad timing and I'm sure I could squish another tank in here, but I feel I'm at the brink of juggling too much and don't want to risk it all. They'll be available again... I hope.



Last night the filefish ate PE mysis, brinshrimp and shaved fresh salmon.

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Good luck try to keep them. If you haven't already, check marinebreeder.org for care help. The site admin there (mark pederson?) is trying to breed them.


Long story but Matt Pedersen is no longer associated with MOFIB. But yes, he has bred them.

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You do know that you are behind the times and that peeps have now kept them for over a year in the absence of corals. Umm... we've also successfully bred them... without the presence of SPS. They are evidently NOT obligate SPS consumers like everyone originally thought. They are quite sustainable on prepared foods. I just converted one of the "impossibles" over to frozen food... at least give me a little credit that I've done my research and I know what I'm up against to have accomplished such a task.


It is old news. Lots of people are keeping them with and without SPS corals, and they don't seem to damage the SPS corals. Some people think they don't actually eat the polyps at all but are targeting small crustaceans within the colonies. Makes sense since they seem to have that tunnel vision where they only recognize very small things as food when you first get them.


We stuck 5 (2.3.0) in a tank with LPS and softies and they are big and fat. Surprisingly they went right after a green Nephthea as soon as they got into the tank enough that we had to remove it...so, moral of the story is they are a bit unpredictable with their tastes!

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  • 3 weeks later...

The female is doing wonderfully. Loves most everything I put in the tank. She now recognizes me as "The Food God" and assumes the position when she sees me coming with a bowl in hand. Great fish!

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nice fish renee! i am sure it found a good home. i have had my eyes on a fringed filefish lately, (waiting until I have the time to devote) but yours look nicer. :) Are you going to try to breed them?

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+1 about the breeding


Also, you should take some more pics of it. I they have a really neat collor combo, I don't think there are any other fish with those shades of yellow and blue.

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nice fish renee! i am sure it found a good home. i have had my eyes on a fringed filefish lately, (waiting until I have the time to devote) but yours look nicer. :) Are you going to try to breed them?


That's something I would like to look into when we move the beginning on next year.... I'll finally get my fish room! Thanks John.



Also, you should take some more pics of it. I they have a really neat collor combo, I don't think there are any other fish with those shades of yellow and blue.


Figured ya find em boring after awhile... QT tanks aren't that exciting. New pics the weekend!


Oh wait now...... this isn't the thread with all the pics in it. I do have other pics.... somewhere on here.

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I love Harlequin Filefish.

We have looked into setting up a breeding project with these guys.

Still hoping to do it next spring when we move into a bigger space.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like the new (I guess?) pics haha. The colors are amazing and you took some really nice shots!


In the video, those were mysis shrimp right? They looked kinda alive, I couldn't really tell. Were they?

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